
Call for papers​: Community-Based Research, Decolonial Theory and Education - Challenges and Opportunities

A konferencia 2025. június 4-5. között kerül megrendezésre a HUN-REN Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpontban.

Az absztraktok beadási határide: 2025. március 7.

Call for papers:

In decolonial theory, coloniality is considered a historical process that continuously (re)appears in mentalities, institutions and practices, while community-based research aims to solve community-defined problems through collaborations between researchers and communities or groups. Both decolonial and community-based research are attentive to questions related to positionality and power, and they call for a high degree of (meta)reflexivity that can accommodate for the complex theoretical, methodological and ethical implications of participatory research.

The conference invites papers on methodological and/or theoretical perspectives within the fields of decoloniality and community-based research, related to education. In particular, contributions are welcomed that scrutinise potentials as well as challenges of the perspectives in relation to research projects that are either currently carried out or which has been completed.

Proposals are to be handed in via the conference websiteA conference proposal for presentation must be written (and held) in English. In line with the decolonial and community-based perspective, the conference is open to a variety of perspectives and formats of sessions, for instance: paper presentationsmethodological workshopspanel discussionsposter presentations and other formats.

Contact regarding the conference: expect_art@sdu.dk