2024. július 4. és 8. között kerül megrendezésre az ESS nemzetközi konferenciája Lisszabonban.
Absztrakttal jelentkezni 2024. január 31-ig lehet.
A konferenciára olyan kutatók jelentkezését várják, akik ESS adatokat használnak kutatásukban, és ezeket az eredményeiket szívesen ismertetnék.
A szervezők az alábbi szekciókba várják a jelentkezéseket. További részletek a konferencia honlapján érhetők el.
- 20 years of ESS in Portugal: A tribute to João Ferreira de Almeida
- Are there any democrats after 35 years of democratic consolidation? Challenges to democracy in Central and Eastern Europe
- Attitudes towards economic redistribution, inequality and fairness
- Changing inequalities in international comparison
- Data quality management in the ESS at the data and post-data collection stage
- Democracy and the COVID-19 pandemic
- Digital social contacts in work and family life
- Digital transition, wellbeing and environmental perceptions
- Explaining attitudes toward immigrants
- Exploring meso-level dynamics: Experiences of scarcity and socio-political engagement
- Exploring racisms and ethnoracial exclusion through the ESS
- Exploring variations within and between South European and other ESS countries
- Generating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel
- Generational differences in attitudes and values across Europe
- Health in a digital world
- How Europeans view and evaluate democracy, a decade later
- Human Values in the ESS - a 20-year ongoing journey
- Increasing respondent engagement in self-completion surveys
- Job segmentation, social fragmentation, individual attitudes and beliefs. Where do we stand?
- Justice and fairness in Europe
- Measurement error and questionnaire design in mixed-mode data collection in large-scale cross-national surveys. Challenges and solutions
- More than a decade of research into switching general population surveys from interviewer-based to self-completion modes. Findings regarding mode-switch over time
- Poster session
- Prejudice and discrimination against minority groups over time and across nations
- Quality of life after retirement - Inequalities, health, and wellbeing of older Europeans
- Questionnaire translation and language - basic elements of cross-cultural survey projects
- Remote working and wellbeing across Europe: insights from the ESS
- Social and political trust in comparative context
- Social inequalities: Insights from European societies
- Social isolation vs. cohesion and the impact on mental wellbeing: Theoretical perspectives and empirical findings
- Studying immigrants using the ESS: Methodological challenges, empirical consequences
- Studying personal and social wellbeing using the European Social Survey (ESS)
- The causes and consequences of political polarization
- The European Social Survey in interdisciplinary research about the environment
- The timing of life
- Transition to retirement - Pension systems and the challenges faced by an ageing Europe
- Understanding the causes and consequences of welfare state attitudes in Europe
- Using ESS data to assess changes in homophobia and genderphobia across Europe
- What is hidden behind the curtain of value orientations: the study of lives across nations and over time
- Other subjects not covered