2023. július 17. és 21. között kerül megrendezésre a European Survey Research Association éves konferenciája Milánóban, melyen a Szociológia Intézet kutatói közül előadóként vagy társszerzőként Gárdos Judit, Huszár Ákos, Messing Vera, Ságvári Bence, Stefkovics Ádám, Szalma Ivett, Szeitl Blanka és Takács Judit is részt vesz.
Kutatóink a European Survey Research Association éves konferenciáján
A részletes program megtekinthető ITT.
Az SZI-s kutatók előadásai:
Determinants of willingness to donate data from social media platforms
Zoltán Kmetty (Centre for Social Sciences) - Presenting Author
Ádám Stefkovics (Centre for Social Sciences)
Elisa Omodei (CEU)
Júlia Számely (CEU)
Deng Dongning (Eötvös Loránd University)
Júlia Koltai (Centre for Social Sciences)
The risk of nonresponse bias in online and hybrid surveys
Blanka Szeitl (Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology) - Presenting Author
Vera Messing (Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology)
Bence Ságvári (Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology)
European Attitudes towards Same-sex Parenting and Adoption by Same-sex Couples
Ivett Szalma (Centre for Social Sciences) - Presenting Author
Judit Takács (Centre for Social Sciences)
Investigating Willingness of Participation in a Passive Digital Data Collection: the Role of Social-Demographic Characteristics and Smartphone Usage based on a Survey Experiment
Julia Koltai (Centre for Social Sciences)
Akos Huszar (Centre for Social Sciences)
Akos Mate (Centre for Social Sciences) - Presenting Author
Zsofia Rakovics (Centre for Social Sciences)
Szilvia Rudas (Centre for Social Sciences)
Bence Sagvari (Centre for Social Sciences)
Thematic Exploration of Interview Materials using NLP tools
Judit Gárdos (Research Documentation Centre, Centre for Social Sciences) - Presenting Author
András Micsik (Department of Distributed Systems, Institute for Computer Science and Control )
Julia Egyed-Gergely (Research Documentation Centre, Centre for Social Sciences)
Enikő Meiszterics (Research Documentation Centre, Centre for Social Sciences)
Balázs Pataki (Department of Distributed Systems, Institute for Computer Science and Control )
Róza Vajda (Research Documentation Centre, Centre for Social Sciences)
Anna Horváth (Research Documentation Centre, Centre for Social Sciences)
Answers as expected? The effects of survey mode on estimates on attitudinal questions in self-completion and face-to-face interviews of the European Social Survey
Blanka Szeitl (Center for Social Sciences)
Vera Messing (Center for Social Sciences) - Presenting Author
Bence Ságvári (Center for Social Sciences)
Mapping the circumstances and side activities during survey completion and their consequences in a web survey
Adam Stefkovics (Center for Social Sciences) - Presenting Author
Bence Ságvári (Center for Social Sciences)
Vera Messing (Center for Social Sciences)
Blanka Szeitl (Center for Social Sciences)
Recruiting online panel through face-to-face and push-to-web surveys.
Vera Messing (Center for Social Sciences) - Presenting Author
Bence Ságvári (Center for Social Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest)
Ádám Stefkovics (Center for Social Sciences)
Blanka Szeitl (Center for Social Sciences)
Global warming vs. climate change frames. Revisiting framing effects based on new experimental evidence collected in 30 European countries
Adam Stefkovics (Center for Social Sciences) - Presenting Author
Lili Zenovitz (PPKE)