Alejandro González Heras: The mobilisation of social contacts in labour market trajectories from a mixed methods approach. A cohort study in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona

   2023. szeptember 12. - 2023. szeptember 12.

A Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont (MTA Kiváló Kutatóhely) 

Szociológiai Intézete tisztelettel meghívja az alábbi eseményére:

Alejandro González Heras: The mobilisation of social contacts in labour market trajectories from a mixed methods approach. A cohort study in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona


Előadó: Alejandro González Heras (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Időpont: 2023. szeptember 12. , kedd 10:00 

Helyszín: Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpontm Szociológiai Intézet 1097 Budapest Tóth Kálmán utca 4.;  B.1.15 tárgyaló

Hozzászóló: Vit Eszter (CSS-RECENS), Brys Zoltán (TK SZI) 



One of the variables that most influences the labour market trajectory of young people is their educational level. Thus, the labour market trajectories of individuals with low educational level are more unstable and with lower income jobs than those of other individuals with a different educational level. In this comunication we first analyse the relationship between educational level and unstable labour market trajectories in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. Second, based on a sequence analysis, we classify the cases according to whether or not they are trajectories that illustrate each educational level. Third, we analyse the characteristics of the mobilized social contacts according to such classification. Lastly, we explore qualitatively the cases that do not follow the norm, i.e., the discordant cases, in order to explain qualitatively what makes them discordant. Using a mixed methods approach, we gather information on the longitudinal use of social contacts among young people with unstable labour market trajectories in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. In this communication, we focus on those with the lowest educational level, where discordant cases have a better trajectory. We find that the mobilization of social contacts is one of the drivers of having a better labour market trajectory compared to the one that these individuals tend to have.


Kulcsszavak: Mixed methods; Social Networks; Sequence Analysis; Labour Market trajectories; Youth.