Cristina Raț: Precarious labour and severe poverty in segregated Roma settlements in Romania (előadás és műhelybeszélgetés)

   2023. szeptember 14. - 2023. szeptember 14.

A Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont (MTA Kiváló Kutatóhely) 

Szociológiai Intézete tisztelettel meghívja az alábbi eseményére:


Cristina Raț:​ Precarious labour and severe poverty in segregated Roma settlements in Romania

Előadás és műhelybeszélgetés


Időpont: 2023. szeptember 14. , csütörtök 10:00 

Helyszín: Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpontm Szociológiai Intézet 1097 Budapest Tóth Kálmán utca 4.;  B.1.15 tárgyaló

Előadó: Cristina Raț Lecturer at the Sociology Department, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj



Statistics on the social and economic situation in Romania reveal that high rates of monetary poverty and material deprivation coexist with relatively high labour market participation and work intensity. Gradual economic growth and increase in real wages since 2007 tempered only slightly in-work poverty (15.5% in 2021) and income inequality (Gini coefficient 0.34 in 2021, reduced by merely 6% by social transfers). Against this general background, the situation of severely impoverished and segregated Roma settlements was often portrayed in policy documents as being marked by „worklessness” and in need of social services to foster employment. However, a growing number of case-studies of marginalised Roma communities describe widespread forms of precarious labour, at home or abroad, and limited access to social insurance rights and basic services. The problem entails a gender dimension too, as Romanian family policies confer no statutory rights to mothers who are outside of the labour market and/or education, except from medical care for pregnancy and childbirth. How does labour marker dualisation intertwine with the disadvantages and discrimination faced by ethnic Roma from marginalised settlements? How is the welfare state present at the peripheries?


Related readings:

Adascalitei, D., Rat, C., Spatari, M. (2020). Improving social protection in Romania. Bukarest: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

ET cikk: Veres, V., Rat. C., Tobias, A. (2017). A községszintű depriváció vizsgálata három erdélyi megyében, figyelemmel a roma kisebbség hátrányos helyzetére, Erdélyi Társadalom, 15(1): 11-41..