A Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont (MTA Kiváló Kutatóhely)
Szociológiai Intézete
tisztelettel meghívja 105. Jour Fixe eseményére
Vidra Zsuzsanna - Félix Anikó: Measures against right-wing extremism in an illiberal country. The case of Hungary
Előadó: Vidra Zsuzsanna (TK SZI)
Hozzászólók: Gerő Márton (TK SZI), Hunyadi Bulcsú (vezető elemző - Political Capital Institute)
Időpont: 2022. november 24. csütörtök 13:00
Helyszín: Az eseményt hibrid formában tartjuk meg.
Személyesen: Szociológiai Intézet 1097 Budapest Tóth Kálmán utca 4.; B.1.15 tárgyaló
Online: Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 895 3584 5805
Passcode: 772000
The paper focuses on the question of what it means both conceptually and practically to talk about counter right-wing extremism measures in an illiberal regime while the dominant political ideology is very close to those of right-wing extremists. Through a qualitative analysis of policies in the Hungarian context, the paper explores both the political and the policy scene to understand how the political context and counter-RWE measures interact. It was found that extremist groups are less interested in engaging in violent action, however, it is not due to effective policies but the manipulating political strategy of the incumbent party.
Keywords: countering RWE, Hungary, right wing extremism, right wing terrorism, illiberal regime, hate crime, radicalization