Jour Fixe 78 | Kristóf Luca – Kisfalusi Dorottya – Vit Eszter: Political homophily in cultural reputational networks

   2019. szeptember 19. - 2019. szeptember 19.

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Az MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Szociológiai Intézet
tisztelettel meghívja 78. Jour Fixe eseményére:

Political homophily in cultural reputational networks


Kristóf Luca, Kisfalusi Dorottya (MTA TK SZI) és Vit Eszter (MTA TK Recens)


Kmetty Zoltán (MTA TK Recens) és Róbert Péter (MTA TK PTI)


In this paper we would like to argue that political homophily can be a significant factor in cultural reputation formation as it shapes the attitudes of cultural actors toward each other and thus affects the construction of their reputation.

For studying the distribution of reputation in the Hungarian cultural elite, we applied a network approach. Members of the cultural elite could nominate individuals for ‘the most prominent figures of contemporary Hungarian culture.’ Mostly nominated individuals were also interviewed and thus a reputational network of cultural elite members could be drawn and analysed by MRQAP method. The results of our analysis showed that political homophily indeed interferes in the mechanisms of how reputation is constructed in the cultural field. 

Kulcsszavak: cultural elite, reputation, network, MRQAP, political homophily

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