Jour Fixe 39 | Keller Tamás: Would they succeed if they tried?

   2015. június 11.

An analysis of the role of self-assessment in educational transitions

2015. június 11. csütörtök, 1 óra

MTA TK SZI Hegedüs terem

Előadó: Keller Tamás (MTA TK RECENS Kutatócsoport, TÁRKI)
Opponensek: Hermann Zoltán (MTA KRTK) és Medgyesi Márton (MTA TK Szociológiai Intézet, TÁRKI)

Absztrakt: This paper employs the theoretical framework offered by the Breen–Goldthorpe model and focuses on how the probability of success influences educational decisions. As a new aspect, the role of perceived ability (self-assessment) is analysed in the transitions to secondary and to tertiary education. It will be argued that class differences in self-assessment might be connected to pupils’ information about the role of ability and effort in education. Having inaccurate information, low-status pupils usually give lower estimations of their abilities than do their equally able high-status peers. This difference could act as a self-fulfilling prophecy and might provide greater insight into why adolescents with disadvantaged status are reluctant to choose demanding education. Because status differences in self-assessment are regarded as the imprint of biased information, the paper concludes that the status gap in educational decisions would decrease if low-status pupils received guidance about the essential requirements for further education.

Kulcsszavak: self-assessment; self-confidence; transition to secondary and tertiary education; school tracks; inequality in educational opportunities; tracking in education; educational panel data; Hungarian Life Course Survey (HLCS)

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