Selected publications

Selected publications in English (2024)


Hajdu, G. (2024) Perceived income inequality, perceived unfairness and subjective social status in Europe. Socio-Economic Review. (D1; IF: 3.2)

Kovács, É., Frojimovics, K. (2024) “A Miraculous Sign!” Vienna Through the Eyes of Hungarian-Jewish Slave Labourers. Contemporary Jewry .  (Q1)

Boglárka Herke  (2024). Large and/or single-parent families: Public attitudes towards pronatalist and anti-poverty family policies in Hungary. International Journal of Social Welfare, 1–20. (Q1; IF: 1.2)

Christopher R. Jones, Christian Oltra, Alessio Giacometti, Vanja Čok, Janez Povh, Ursa Lamut, Gaston Meskens, Joke Kenens, Robbe Geysmans, Catrinel Turcanu, Zoltan Ferencz, Maria Teresa Orlando, Chiara Bustreo (2024). The clock is ticking: Understanding the ‘mixed feelings’ about fusion energy in Europe. Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 113, 103538, ISSN 2214-6296, (IF=6.7; Q1)

Ádám Stefkovics, Fruzsina Albert, Anna Sára Ligeti, Beáta Dávid, Szilvia Rudas & Júlia Koltai (2024): Vaccination homophily in ego contact networks during the COVID‑19 pandemic. Scientific Reports. (D1)

Berezvai, Z., Vitrai, J., Tóth, G., Brys, Z., Bakacs, M., & Joó, T. (2024). Long-term impact of unhealthy food tax on consumption and the drivers behind: a longitudinal study in Hungary. Health Policy, 105098 DOI: (Q1)

Sipos, A.,  Bagyura, M. (2024). Fighting for Space Within the Cis‐ and Heteronormative Public Sphere: An Analysis of Budapest Pride. Social Inclusion12, Paper 7808. (Q2)

B. Megyesi, A. Gholipour, F. Cuomo, E. Canga, A. Tsatsou, V. Zihlmann, R. Junge, D. Milosevic, R. Pineda-Martos (2024): Perceptions of stakeholders on nature-based solutions in urban planning: a thematic analysis in six European cities. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,  DOI: (D1) 

Messing, V., Pap A. L. (2024). Cacophony in conceptualizing and operationalizing ethnicity: the case of Roma in Hungary. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1-21. (D1, IF:2,5)

Völgyi, B., Füzér, K., Albert, F., Erát, D. (2024). The role of digital status in adult child–parent relationships in European comparative perspective. Families, Relationships and Societies (published online ahead of print 2024).  DOI: (Q2, IF:1,4)

Czibere I., Balogh K., Kovách I., Nemes-Zámbó G (2024).Exclusionary Mechanisms of Social Policy Redistribution in Hungary. Social Policy and Society. Published online 2024:1-16. DOI: (Q1; IF:2.1)

Szalma, I., Szczuka, B. J. (2024). Reproductive Choices and Climate Change in a Pronatalist Context. East European Politics and Societies0(0). (Q2, IF: 0,7)

Győri, Á. (2024). Relationship between Social Networks, Support Patterns, and Health Problems among the General Hungarian Population during the Last Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Social Sciences, 13(3), 161. (Q2, IF: 1,7)

Hilbert, B. (2024). Urban governance systems in autonomous territories of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: The cases of Croatia-Slavonia and Austrian Galicia (1867-1918). Geographia Polonica, 97(1), 23-46. DOI: (Q1, IF:0,9)

Stefkovics, Á., Eichhorst, A., Skinnion, D., Harrison, C.,H. (2024).  Are We Becoming More Transparent? Survey Reporting Trends in Top Journals of Social Sciences, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Volume 36, Issue 2, Summer 2024, edae013, (Q1, IF:1.8)

Stefkovics, Á., Ágoston, C., Bukovenszki, E., Dúll, A., Hortay, O., & Varga, A. (2024). Climate change worry in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Evidence from two large-scale European surveys. Climate Risk Management, 100599. (Q1, IF: 4.4)

Szalma, I. - Heers, M. (2024). Attitudes Toward Immigration in Europe. Understanding the Links Between Pronatalism and Voluntary Childlessness; International Journalof Sociology, (Q1)

Gárdos, J., Hungler, S., & Illéssy, M. (2024). Anti-pluralism, Labour Market Policy and the Pandemic: Political Uses and Social Consequences of COVID-19 in Hungary. Social & Legal Studies0(0). Online first. (Q1)

Joó T, Foley K, Brys Z, et al (2024). Impact of regulatory tightening of the Hungarian tobacco retail market on availability, access and cigarette smoking prevalence of adolescents. Tobacco Control. Online First. (Online first; IF:5,2; D1 in Health-Social Science)

Books, book chapters

Herke, B. (2024). Framing the Deservingness of Families: How Government Discourse Contributes to Growing Precarity of Single-Parent Families in Hungary. In: Gatenio Gabel, S., Michoń, P. (eds) Navigating Family Policies in Precarious Times. Springer, Cham.

Selected publications in English (2023)


Eszter Kelemen, Boldizsár Megyesi, Bettina Matzdorf, Erling Andersen, Lenny GJ van Bussel, Myriam Dumortier, Céline Dutilly, Marina García-Llorente, Christine Hamon, Annabelle LePage, Roberta Moruzzo, Katrin Prager, Francesco Riccioli, Carolina Yacamán-Ochoa (2023) The prospects of innovative agri-environmental contracts in the European policy context: Results from a Delphi study. In: Land Use Policy Volume 131, August 2023,

Kovách ImreMegyesi Boldizsár  (2023). Energy Use Research in the Social Sciences–Introduction to a Research Topic. ENERGIES 16 : 8 p. 3402 (Q1; IF 3.252)

Zakariás, I., Feischmidt, M., Gerő, Met al. Solidarity with Displaced People from Ukraine in Hungary: Attitudes and Practices. Int. Migration & Integration (2023).  1-28. , 28 p. (IF:1,4)

Bernadett Csurgó, Gergely Horzsa, Márta Kiss, Boldizsár Megyesi, Zsolt Szabolcsi (2023): Place Naming and Place Making: The Social Construction of Rural Landscape. Land 2023, 12, 1528. (Q2)  

Lukács J. Ágnes, Dávid Beáta: Connecting for success: Egocentric network types among underrepresented minority students at college. SOCIAL NETWORKS 72 pp. 35-43. , 9 p. (2023) (Q1)

Lukács J. Ágnes, Szabó Tünde, Huszti Éva, Komolafe Cinderella, Ember Zsolt, Dávid Beáta: The role of colleges for advanced studies in Roma undergraduates’ adjustment to college in Hungary from a social network perspective. INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION 34 : 1 pp. 22-42. , 21 p. (2023) (Q1) 

Máté Ákos, Rakovics Zsófia, Rudas Szilvia, Wallis Levente, Ságvári Bence, Huszár Ákos, Koltai Júlia: Willingness of Participation in an Application-Based Digital Data Collection among Different Social Groups and Smartphone User Clusters. SENSORS 23 : 9 Paper: 4571 , 17 p. (2023) (Q1)

Szalma, Ivett and Bitó, Tamás. "Attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination of pregnant and lactating women in Hungary" Journal of Perinatal Medicine, vol. 51, no. 4, 2023, pp. 531-537. (Q2)

Stefkovics, Á., Zenovitz, L. Global warming vs. climate change frames: revisiting framing effects based on new experimental evidence collected in 30 European countries. Climatic Change 176, 159 (2023). Q1, IF: 5.3

Elhamdadi, H., Stefkovics, A., Beyer, J., Moerth, E., Pfister, H., Bearfield, C. X., & Nobre, C. (2023). Vistrust: a Multidimensional Framework and Empirical Study of Trust in Data Visualizations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Q1, IF: 5.2

Olt G., Simonovits B., Bernát A., Csizmady A. (2023): Housing Commodification and Increasing Potential Ground Rents in Post-Socialist Budapest. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie,  Vol. 0, No. 0, pp. 1–16. D1, IF: 4.8

Gárdos, J., Egyed-Gergely, J., Horváth, A., Pataki, B., Vajda, R. and Micsik, A. (2023), "Identification of social scientifically relevant topics in an interview repository: a natural language processing experiment", Journal of Documentation. doi: 10.1108/JD-12-2022-0269. Q1, IF: 2,1.

Bai A., Czibere I., Kovách I.Megyesi B., Balogh P. (2023). The monetary value of convenience and environmental features in residential heat energy consumption, in particular its social determinants. Energy Stretegy Reviews 50 Paper: 101192 , 18 p. (Q1, IF 10.1)

Czibere,I., Kovách,I. & Loncsák,N. (2023). Hungarian Farmers and the Adoption of Precision Farming. European Countryside,15(3) 366-380. (Q2, IF 1.6)

Hajdu, G., & Hajdu, T. (2023). Does the unemployment rate moderate the well-being disadvantage of the unemployed? Within-region estimates from the European Social Survey. Kyklos, 1–17. IF: 1.9, Scimago besorolás: Q1 - Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)

Gárdos, J. (2023) “Questions and Explanations in Sociology: A Science Studies Field Study”, Science & Technology Studies doi: 10.23987/sts.111856. Q1, Impact factor (2021): 3.105

Kékesi, Z., & Zombory, M. (2023). Beyond multidirectional memory: Opening pathways to politics and solidarity. Memory Studies0(0).

Arendas Zsuzsanna, Agnieszka Trąbka, Vera Messing, Marta Jadviga Pietrusińska, and Dominika Winogrodzka. 2023. "Agency of Migrant Youth in Hostile Sociopolitical Environments: Case Studies from Central Eastern Europe" Social Sciences 12, no. 4: 210. (Q2)

Molina, O., Butollo, F., Makó, C., Godino, A., Holtgrewe, U., Illsoe, A., Junte, S., Larsen, T. P., Illéssy, M., Pap, J., & Wotschack, P. (2023). It takes two to code: a comparative analysis of collective bargaining and artificial intelligence. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 0(0). (Q2, IF: 1,4)

Ágnes Győri (2023). The impact of social-relationship patterns on worsening mental health among the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Hungary. SSM POPULATION HEALTH, 21(3), Paper: 101346. (D1, IF: 4.1)

Ágnes Győri, Imre Kovách (2023). The New Dimension of Social Inequality: The Agricultural Land Use Structure and the Development Level of Settlements. Social Sciences (Q2)

Hajdu, T., & Hajdu, G. (2023). Climate change and the mortality of the unborn. 
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 118, 102771. (D1, IF: 5.84)

Imre Kovách, Boldizsár Megyesi (2023). Motivations of Subsistence Farming in Hungary: Analysis of a Multi-Factored Phenomenon. Rural Sociology (Q1, IF: 4.078)

Imre Kovách, Karolina Balogh (2023): Population Dynamics of the Hungarian Villages 1995–2016 European Countryside (Q2, IF:0,33)

Dávid, Beáta, Boglárka Herke, Éva Huszti, Gergely Tóth, Emese Túry-Angyal, Fruzsina Albert (2023). ‘Reshaping Social Capital During the Pandemic Crisis: Age Group Differences in Face‐to‐Face Contact Network Structures’. Social Inclusion 11(1). doi: 10.17645/si.v11i1.6002 (Q2, IF: 1.543)


Books, book chapters

Takács, J. (2023) Homosexual male prostitution in early 20th century Hungary. 125-143 in Sonja Dolinsek – Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska (eds.) Histories of Prostitution in Central, East Central and South Eastern Europe. Paderborn: Brill | Schöningh.

Fobear, K. – Schmitsek, S. – Takács, J. (2023) Genderphobic childhood constructions in Hungary. 175-193 in J.A. Langarita Adiego – A.C. Santos – M. Montenegro – M. Urek (eds.) Child-Friendly Perspectives on Gender and Sexual Diversity: Beyond Adultcentrism. Routledge.

Teller, Nóra, Albert, Fruzsina, Fehér, Boróka, Győri, Péter (2023) Homelessness in Hungary. In: Pleace Nicholas et al. The Routledge Handbook of Homelessness. pp. 325-335 ISBN:9781351113113    DOI:10.4324/9781351113113-34

Éva Kovács: The Sensual Memory of Shoah: The Meaning of Sound, Touch and Taste in the Culture of Testimonies. In Woods, Roger; Jones, Sara (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Testimony and Culture. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 259–278. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-13794-5

Vidra, Z., and Zeller, M. Hungary. In: McNeil-Willson, Richard, and Anna Triandafyllidou, eds. Routledge Handbook of Violent Extremism and Resilience. Taylor & Francis, 2023.


Bernadett Csurgó, Judit Gárdos, Szabina Kerényi, Éva Kovács & András Micsik (2022). Dissidents, Rebels, and Everyday Heroes: New Perspectives on the Digital Archiving of Cultural Resistance Under State Socialism. 
East European Politics and Societies0(0). (Q2, IF: 1.225)

Ágnes Lukács J. – Beáta Dávid (2022). Connecting for success: Egocentric network types among underrepresented minority students at college. SOCIAL NETWORKS 72 pp. 35-43. , 9 p. (D1, IF: 4.144)

Dorottya Szikra  Kerem Gabriel Öktem (2022). An illiberal welfare state emerging? Welfare efforts and trajectories under democratic backsliding in Hungary and Turkey. Journal of European Social Policy. Online first. (Q1, IF: 2.536)

Márton Gerő - Anna Fejős - Szabina Kerényi Dorottya Szikra (2022). From Exclusion to Co-Optation: Political Opportunity Structures and Civil Society Responses in De-Democratising Hungary. Politics and Governance11(1). (Q1, IF: 1.775)

Judit Takács – Katherine Fobear – Szilvia Schmitsek (2022) Resisting Genderphobia in Hungary. Politics and Governance 10(4) 1-11. (Q1, IF: 1,775)

Adrienne Csizmady – Lea Kőszeghy (2022) 'Generation Rent’ in a Super Homeownership Environment: The Case of Budapest, Hungary, Sustainability 14(14), 8929; (Q2, IF: 3.889)

Aron Buzogány – Szabina Kerényi – Gergely Olt (2022): Back to the grassroots? The shrinking space of environmental activism in illiberal Hungary. Environmental Politics (Q1, IF: 5.147)

Ivett Szalma – Hana Hašková – Livia Oláh – Judit Takács (2022) Fragile Pronatalism? Barriers to Parenthood, One-Child Families, and Childlessness in European Post-Socialist Countries, Social Inclusion (10)3, 82-86. (Q2, IF: 1.543)

Ivett Szalma – Judit Takács (2022) Exploring Older Men’s Pathways to Childlessness in Hungary: Did the Change of Policy Regime Matter? Social Inclusion (10)3, 138-148. (Q2, IF: 1.543)

Veronika Paksi – Beáta Nagy – Katalin Tardos (2022) Perception of Barriers to Motherhood: Female Phd Students’ Changing Family Plans in the STEM Fields, Social Inclusion (10)3, 149-159. (Q2, IF: 1.543)

Ákos HuszárÁgnes GyőriKarolina Balogh (2022): Resistance to Change: Intergenerational Class Mobility in Hungary, 1973–2018. Sociological Research Online (Q1, IF: 2.41) 

Bernadett Csurgó, Melanie K. Smith (2022): Cultural Heritage, Sense of Place and Tourism: An Analysis of Cultural Ecosystem Services in Rural Hungary. Sustainability Vol 14, no. 12: 7305. (Q1, IF: 3.251)

Adrienne Csizmady, Márton Bagyura, Gergely Olt (2022): From a Small Village to an Exclusive Gated Community: Unplanned Suburbanisation and Local Sovereignty in Post‐Socialist Hungary. Urban Planning, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Online first (Q2)

Ivett Szalma, Judit Takács (2022): Exploring Older Men’s Pathways to Childlessness in Hungary: Did the Change of Policy Regime Matter? Social Inclusion Volume 10, Issue 3, (IF:1.333)

Marieke Heers – Ivett Szalma (2022) Gender role attitudes and father practices as predictors of nonresident father-child contact. PLOS One 17(4): e026680, (IF: 3.04, Q1)

Herke, Boglárka – Vicsek, Lilla (2022) The attitudes of young citizens in higher education towards universal basic income in the context of automation – A qualitative study.  International Journal of Social Welfare, 1– 13. (IF: 1.96, Q1)

Stefkovics, Ádám – Sik, Endre (2022) What Drives Happiness? The Interviewer’s Happiness.  Journal of Happiness Studies (IF: 3.852)

Czibere, Ibolya – Kovách, Imre – Szukalski, Piotr – Starosta, Pawel (2021): Depopulation and Public Policies in Rural Central Europe. The Hungarian and Polish Cases. Ager: Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblacion y Desarrollo Rural, 33, 57-82. (Q3)

Kovách, Imre – Megyesi, Boldizsár – Bai, Attila – Balogh, Péter (2022): Sustainability and Agricultural Regeneration in Hungarian Agriculture. Sustainability, 14(2), 969. (IF: 3.25, Q1)

Attila Bai – Imre Kovách – Ibolya Czibere – Boldizsár Megyesi – Péter Balogh (2022) Examining the Adoption of Drones and Categorisation of Precision Elements among Hungarian Precision Farmers Using a Trans-Theoretical Model Drones 6(8) 200. (IF: 5.532)

Adrienne Csizmady – Ágnes Győri – Lea Kőszeghy (2022) No money, no housing security? The role of intergenerational transfers, savings, and mortgage in mobility within and into insecure housing positions in HungaryEastern Journal of European Studies 13(1): 208-227. (Q2)


Books, book chapters

Cornelia Möser, Jennifer Ramme, Judit Takács (Eds.) (2022): Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 278.

Cornelia Möser, Jennifer Ramme, Judit Takács (2022) Paradoxes that Matter. Introducing Critical Perspectives on Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe. In Möser, C.; Ramme, J.; Takács J. (Eds.) Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 1-24.

Zsuzsanna, Árendás – Judit, Durst – Noémi, Katona – Vera, Messing (2022) The Limits of Trading Cultural Capital: Returning Migrant Children and Their Educational Trajectory in Hungary, In:  Atterberry, A.L., McCallum, D.G., Tu, S., Lutz, A. and Bass, L.E. (Ed.) Children and Youths' Migration in a Global Landscape (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 29), Emerald Publishing Limited. 115-139.

Csanádi, Mária – Gerő, Márton – Hajdu, Miklós – Kovách, Imre – Tóth, István János – Laki, Mihály (2022) Dynamics of an Authoritarian System: Hungary, 2010–2021, Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Press.

Kovách, Imre – Gerő, Márton (2022) Redistribution and Integration. In: Csanádi, Mária – Gerő, Márton – Hajdu, Miklós – Kovách, Imre – Tóth, István János – Laki, Mihály: Dynamics of an Authoritarian System: Hungary, 2010–2021, Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Press. 201-229.



Ákos Huszár – Katalin Füzér (2021) Improving Living Conditions, Deepening Class Divisions: Hungarian Class Structure in International Comparison, 2002–2018. East European Politics and Societies, December 2, 2021. (IF: 1.430)

Albert Fruzsina – Dávid Beáta – Hajdu Gábor – Huszti Éva: Egocentric Contact Networks of Older Adults: Featuring Quantity, Strength and Function of Ties. The Sociological Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/00380253.2020.1787111. (Q1, IF: 1,127)

Albert FruzsinaKoltai JúliaDávid Beáta (2021): The increasing importance of friends: Changes in core discussion network composition in post-communist Hungary between 1997 – 2015. Social Networks, 66: 139-145. (IF: 2.376)

Czibere, Ibolya – Kovách, Imre (2021): State Populism in Rural Hungary. Rural Sociology pp. 1–25 (Q1, IF: 4.078)

Csizmady Adrienne, Zoltán Ferencz, Lea Kőszeghy, Gergely Tóth: Beyond the Energy Poor/Non Energy Poor Divide: Energy Vulnerability and Mindsets on Energy Generation Modes in Hungary. Energies 2021, 14, 6487. en14206487 (Q2, IF: 3,004) 

Csizmady Adrienne, Bernadett Csurgó, Szabina Kerényi, András Balázs, Veronika Kocsis: Young Farmers’ Perceptions of Sustainability in a Wine Region in Hungary. Land. 2021; 10(8):815. (Q2, IF: 3.395)

Csurgó, Bernadett – Smith, Melanie K. (2021): The value of cultural ecosystem services in a rural landscape context, Journal of Rural Studies, Vol 86. 76-86. (Q1, IF: 3.544)

Éva Huszti – Fruzsina Albert – Adrienne Csizmady – Ilona Nagy – Beáta Dávid (2021): When Spatial Dimension Matters: Comparing Personal Network Characteristics in Different Segregated Areas. Social Inclusion, 9(4), 375-387. (IF: 1.333, Q2)

Gábor Hajdu, Tamás Hajdu (2021): The long-term impact of restricted access to abortion on children’s socioeconomic outcomes. PLOS ONE, 16(3) (IF: 2.740, D1)

Gábor Hajdu, Tamás Hajdu: Post-conception heat exposure increases clinically unobserved pregnancy losses. Scientific Reports, volume 11, Article number: 1987. (IF: 3.998, D1)

Gábor Hajdu, Tamás Hajdu: Temperature, climate change, and human conception rates: evidence from Hungary. Journal of Population Economics, online first. (IF:1.840, Q1)

Gábor Hajdu, Tamás Hajdu: Temperature, climate change, and birth weight: evidence from Hungary. Population and Environment , 43(2), 131–148. (Q1, IF: 3.537)

Győri Ágnes, Perpék Éva, Lengyel György (2021): Preferred leadership style, managerial and entrepreneurial inclination among Hungarian students. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 10(44) SCOPUS CiteScore 2020 3.3, SJR 2020 0.480, SNIP 2020 1.716. Q2

Győri, Ágnes –  Huszár, Ákos – Balogh, Karolina (2021) Differences in the Domestic Energy Consumption in Hungary: Trends between 2006–2017. Energies, 14 (20), 6718. (IF: 3,004)

Győri, Ágnes – Perpék, Éva (2021): Work conditions and burnout: An exploratory study among Hungarian workers in family and child welfare, child protection and pedagogical professional services. European Journal of Social Work (online first) (Q1, IF: 1,8).

Hajdu Gábor, Hajdu Tamás: Temperature, climate change, and birth weight: evidence from Hungary. Population and Environment , 43(2), 131–148. 3,537. Q1 (Demography: 13/110)

Hajnal György, Iga Jeziorska, Kovács Éva: Understanding drivers of illiberal entrenchment at critical junctures: institutional responses to COVID-19 in Hungary and Poland. International Review of Administrative Sciences. Online first: Jan. 6 2021. 1,99, Q1

Herke, Boglárka – Janky, Béla (2021): The Role of the Deservingness Criteria in the Case of Single Mothers’ Perceived Welfare Deservingness in Hungary. Journal of Social Policy, 2021, 1–21. (IF: 3.269) 

Ibolya Czibere – Imre Kovách – Piotr Szukalski – Pawel Starosta (2021): Depopulation and Public Policies in Rural Central Europe. The Hungarian and Polish Cases. Ager: Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblacion y Desarrollo Rural, 33, 57-82. (Q3)

Imre Kovách – Boldizsár Gergely Megyesi – Angela Barthes – Hasan Volkan Oral – Marija Smederevac-Lalic (2021): Knowledge Use in Education for Environmental Citizenship - Results of Four Case Studies in Europe (France, Hungary, Serbia, Turkey)  Sustainability 2021, 13(19), 11118; pp2-17.  
(Q1, IF: 3,251)

J. Aidukate, S. Saxonberg, D. Szelewa, D. Szikra. (2021) Social policy in the face of a global pandemic: Policy responses to the COVID‐19 crisis in Central and Eastern Europe. Social Policy and Administration (IF: 1.908)

Kisfalusi Dorottya, Kristóf Luca, Vit Eszter (2021): Political homophily in cultural reputational networks. Poetics (IF: 1.264, D1)

Kristóf, Luca (2021): From Cultural Policy towards Cultural Politics? The Case of the Hungarian Cultural Sphere. International Journal of Cultural Policy. 27(2): 191-201. (IF: 1.598)

Langergraber, Guenter, Joana A.C. Castellar, Theis R. Andersen, Maria-Beatrice Andreucci, Gösta F.M. Baganz, Gianluigi Buttiglieri, Alba Canet-Martí, Pedro N. Carvalho, David C. Finger, Tjaša Griessler Bulc, Ranka Junge, Boldizsár Megyesi, Dragan Milošević, Hasan V. Oral, David Pearlmutter, Rocío Pineda-Martos, Bernhard Pucher, Eric D. van Hullebusch, and Nataša Atanasova (2021): Towards a Cross-Sectoral View of Nature-Based Solutions for Enabling Circular Cities" Water 13, no. 17: 2352.

Péter Balogh – Attila Bai – Ibolya Czibere – Imre Kovách – László Fodor – Ágnes Bujdos – Dénes Sulyok – Zoltán Gabnai – Zoltán Birkner (2021): Economic and Social Barriers of Precision Farming in Hungary, Agronomy, 11(6):1112. (Q1, IF: IF2.67)

Szalma Ivett, Bitó Tamás (2021): Knowledge and attitudes about assisted reproductive technology: findings from a Hungarian online survey.    Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online Volume 13, August 2021, Pages 75-84. (Q1, IF: 0,503)

Takács Judit, Daniel de Vries, John Kinsman, Anne Cremers, John Angrén, Svetla Tsolova, Emma Wiltshire, Massimo Ciotti (2021): Public Health Preparedness and Response Synergies between Institutional Authorities and the Community: A Qualitative Case Study of Emerging Tick-borne Diseases in Spain and the Netherlands. BMC Public Health 21, Article no: 1882 (2021). (Q1, IF: 3,295)

Takács Judit, Karafillakis E, Martin S, Simas C, Olsson K, Dada S, Larson HJ: Methods for Social Media Monitoring Related to Vaccination: Systematic Scoping Review. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 7(2) e17149  (IF: 4.11)

Books, book chapters

Gergely Csányi – Szabina Kerényi (2021) A Semi-Peripheral Myth of the “Good Mother”: The History of Motherly Love in Hungary from a Global Perspective. In: Mayer CH. – Vanderheiden E. (eds) International Handbook of Love. Springer, Cham. (ISBN: 978-3-030-45995-6) pp. 317-332.

Ivett Szalma (2021) Attitudes, Norms, and Beliefs Related to Assisted Reproduction Technologies among Childless Women in a Pronatalist Society. Springer VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (ISBN 978-3-658-35627-9)

Olt, Gergely – Smith, Melanie Kay – Csizmady, Adrienne – Sziva, Ivett (2021) Gentrification, tourism and the night-time economy in Budapest's district VII – the role of regulation in a post-socialist context. In:  Andrew Smith – Adam Eldridge (eds): Tourism and the Night. Rethinking Nocturnal Destinations. Routledge (ISBN 9780367695132)

Takács Judit: Legalizing queerness in Central-Eastern Europe. In: K. Fábián, J. E. Johnson, & M. Lazda (eds.) (2021) The Routledge International Handbook to Gender in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Routledge: Abingdon. pp. 246-254.

Selected publications 2016-2020

Selected publications 2011 - 2015