Selected publications 2011- 2015

Selected publications, 2011–2015


Amirkhanian YA, Kelly JA, Takacs J, McAuliffe TL, Kuznetsova AV, P Toth T, et al. Effects of a social network HIV/STD prevention intervention for MSM in Russia and Hungary: a randomized controlled trial. AIDS 29:(5) pp. 583-593. (2015) (IF: 5,5)

Lengyel B, Varga A, Ságvári B, Jakobi Á, Kertész J. Geographies of an online social network. PLOS ONE 10:(9) Paper 0137248. 13 p. (2015) (IF: 3,2)

Dávid Beata, Huszti Eva, Barna Ildikó, Fu Yang-chih. Egocentric contact networks in comparison: Taiwan and Hungary. SOCIAL NETWORKS 44: pp. 253-265. (2016) (IF: 2,9)

Diogo Costa, Joaquim Soares, Jutta Lindert, Eleni Hatzidimitriadou, Örjan Sundin, Olga Toth, et al. (2) Intimate partner violence: a study in men and women from six European countries. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 60:(4) pp. 467-478. (2015) (IF: 2,7)

Diogo Costa, Eleni Hatzidimitriadou, Elli Ioannidi-Kapolou, Jutta Lindert, Joaquim Soares, Orjan Sundin, Olga Tóth, et al. (1) Intimate partner violence and health-related quality of life in European men and women: findings from the DOVE study. QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH 24:(2) pp. 463-471. (2015) (IF: 2,4)

Boda Zsófia, Néray Bálint. Inter-Ethnic Friendships and Negative Ties in Secondary School. SOCIAL NETWORKS 43: pp. 57-72. (2015) (IF: 2,0)

Hajdu Gábor, Hajdu Tamás. The Impact of Culture on Well-Being: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. JOURNAL OF HAPPINESS STUDIES online first: pp. 1-22. (2015) (IF: 1,6)

Szalma I, Takács J. Who Remains Childless? Unrealized Fertility Plans in Hungary. SOCIOLOGICKY CASOPIS / CZECH SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW 51:(6) pp. 1047-1075. (2015) (IF: 0,6)

Zsuzsa Széman. Transition of Long - Term Care in Hungary: Problems and Solutions. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH 10:(2) pp. 245-255. (2015)

Mauthner Natasha, Gárdos Judit. Archival Practices and the Making of “Memories”. NEW REVIEW OF INFORMATION NETWORKING 20:(1-2) pp. 155-169. (2015)

Makó Csaba, Illéssy Miklós, Csizmadia Péter, Heidrich Balázs. Mapping the context for transfer of finnish workplace development practice: The case of Finland, Hungary and Romania. JOURNAL OF SELF-GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT ECONOMICS 3:(2) pp. 7-29. (2015)

Takács J. Disciplining gender and (homo)sexuality in state socialist Hungary in the 1970s. EUROPEAN REVIEW OF HISTORY 22:(1) pp. 161-175. (2015)

Kapitány Ágnes, Kapitány Gábor. The semiotic dimensions of vertical social (self)classification. JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR SEMIOTIC STUDIES 2015:(205) pp. 243-260. (2015)

Costa, D. – Hatzidimitriadou, E. – Ioannidi-Kapolou, E. –  Lindert, J. –  Soares, J. – Sundin, O. –  Tóth, O. –Barros, H. (2014) Intimate partner violence and health-related quality of life in European men and women: findings from the DOVE study. Quality of Life Research IF: [2.864*]

Hajdu T. – Hajdu G. (2014) Reduction of income inequality and subjective well-being in Europe. Economics: the open-access, open-assessment e-journal 8:(2014-35), 1–29. IF: 0.307*

Greenspan, H. – Wieviorka, A. – Kovács É. – Horwitz, S. R. – Lang, B. – Laub, D. – Waltzer, K. (2014) Engaging Survivors: Assessing 'Testimony' and 'Trauma' as Foundational Concepts. Dapim: Studies On The Holocaust 2014:(28), 190–226.

Janky B. – Bakó B. – Szilágyi P. – Bognár A. (2014) Stigmatising the Poor Without Negative Images: Images of Extreme Poverty and the Formation of Welfare Attitudes. Sociological Research Online 19:(3) p. on-line. IF: 0.421*

Hegedűs R. – Pári A. – Drjenovszky Zs. – Kónya H. (2014) Twinship as a resource: Zygosity- and gender-based comparison of twins’ attitudes towards twinship. Twin Research and Human Genetics 17:(5), 376–382. IF: 1.918*

Messing V. (2014) Methodological puzzles of surveying Roma/Gypsy populations. Ethnicities 14:(6), 811–829. IF: 0.517*

Szikra D. (2014) Democracy and welfare in hard times: The social policy of the Orbán Government in Hungary between 2010 and 2014. Journal of European Social Policy 24:(5), 486–500. IF: 1.710*

Széman Zs. (2014) A new pattern in long term care in Hungary: Skype and youth volunteers. Anthropological Notebooks (Slovenia) 20:(1), 105–117. IF: 0.394*

Dávid B. (2013) Social Network Analysis: Applied Tool to Enhance Effective Collaboration between Child Protection Organisations by Revealing and Strengthening Work Relationships. European Journal Of Mental Health 8:(1) 3–28.

Gerő M. – Kopper Á. (2013) Fake and Dishonest: Pathologies of Differentiation of the Civil and the Political Sphere in Hungary. Journal Of Civil Society 4:361–374.

Janky B. – Varga D. (2013) The Poverty Assitance Paradox. Economics Letters 120(3):447–449.

Kóczé, A. (2012) Roma Inclusion: Who will do the work. Development and Transition - UNDP Kosovo, 29–30.

Iwasaki, I. – Makó, Cs. – Szanyi, M. – Csizmadia, P. – Illéssy, M. (2012) The nested variable model of FDI spillover effects. Estimation using Hungarian panel data International Economic Journal 26:(4) pp. 673–709.

Kristóf L. (2012) What happened Afterwards?: Change and Continuity in the Hungarian Elite between 1988 and 2009. Historical Social Research - Historische Sozialforschung 37:(2) 108–122. IF: 0.180* 

Megyesi B. (2012) Climate Change? No, Wise Resource Use is the Issue: Social Representations of Energy, Climate Change and the Future. Environmental Policy And Governance 22:(3) 161–176.

Takács J. – Kelly J.A. – P. Tóth T. – Mocsonaki L. – Amirkhanian Y.A. (2012) Effects of Stigmatization on Gay Men Living with HIV/AIDS in a Central-Eastern European Context: A Qualitative Analysis from Hungary. Sexuality Research And Social Policy IF: [0.722*] 

Tamás P. (2012) Problemi blishnego zarubesjija Mir Peremen 2012:(2) 44–58.

Széman Zs. (2012) Family Strategies in Hungary: The Role of Undocumented Migrants in Eldercare Journal Of Population Ageing 5:(2) 97–118.

Kovács É. (2012) „Kto bude mojim milovaným?“: Vývoj „sobášneho trhu“ ako indikátor „pohraničnej výmeny“ v rozdelenom Komárne (1900–1940) In Holec, R. (ed.) Česko-slovenská historická ročenka 2011. Bratislava; Praha: Academicus, 67–87 (ISBN:978-80-87192-19-1).

Szirmai V. – Váradi Zs. – Kovács Sz. – Schuchmann J. – Baranyai N. (2011) Territorial consumption issues of urban sprawl in central european capitals, especially in the budapest metropolitan region. Society and economy 33:(1) 69–87. IF: 1.741

Hobson B. – Fahlén S.– Takács J. (2011) Agency And Capabilities To Achieve A Work-Life Balance: A Comparison Of Sweden And Hungary. Social politics 18:(2) 168–198. IF: 1.579

Messing V. – Molnár E. (2011) Bezáródó kapcsolati hálók: szegény roma háztartások kapcsolati jellemzői. Esély: társadalom és szociálpolitikai folyóirat 22:(5) 47–74.


Takács J. Homophobia and Genderphobia in the European Union: Policy contexts and empirical evidence. Stockholm: SIEPS, 2015. 84 p.

Granberg L, Andersson K, Kovách I (szerk.) Evaluating the European Approach to Rural Development: Grass-roots Experiences of the LEADER Programme. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2015. 243 p.

Szirmai V (szerk.) From Spatial Inequalities to Social Well-being. Székesfehérvár: Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences, 2015. 187 p.

Antal Z. L. (2014) Klímaparadoxonok: A természet és a társadalom közötti harmónia megvalósításának lehetőségei. Budapest: L' Harmattan Kiadó, 200 p.

Kapitány Á. – Kapitány G. (2014) A mindennapi élet jelrendszereiről: Szocio-szemiotikai tanulmányok. Budapest: Loisir Kiadó.

Kapitány Á. – Kapitány G. (2014) Alternatív életstratégiák. Budapest: Typotex Kiadó, 394 p.

Kristóf L. (2014) Véleményformálók. Hírnév és tekintély az értelmiségi elitben. Budapest: L'Harmattan - MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont.

Roderick M. – Ishikawa, A. – Makó, Cs. (2014) (eds.) Workers, Firms and Unions - Industrial Relations in Transition. Frankfurt am Main; New York: Peter Lang Verlag.

Schiff, C. – Szalai J. (2014) (eds.) Migrant, Roma and Post-colonial Youth in Education across Europe: Being ‘visibly different’. London: Palgrave.

Zombory M. – Szász A. L. (2014) (szerk.) Transznacionális politika és a holokauszt emlékezettörténete. Budapest: Befejezetlen Múlt Alapítvány, 301 p.

Berényi E. – Erőss G. – Neumann E. (2013) (szerk.) Tudás és politika: A közpolitika-alkotás gyakorlatának nyomában. Budapest: L'Harmattan.

Csurgó Bernadett – Kovách Imre (2013) Networking LEADER and local oligarchies. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Sociologica 44:73–88. (2013)

Csurgó Bernadett (2013) Vidéken lakni és vidéken élni: A városból vidékre költözők hatása a vidék átalakulására: a város környéki vidék. Budapest: Argumentum Kiadó – MTA TK Szociológiai Intézet.

Kapitány Á. – Kapitány G. (2013) A "szellemi termelési mód". Budapest: Kossuth.

Kovács É.  –  Vidra Zs. –  Virág T. (2013) (szerk.) Kint és bent: Lokalitás és etnicitás a peremvidékeken. Budapest: L'Harmattan,

Kovách I. – Dupcsik Cs. – P. Tóth T. – Takács J. (2012) (szerk.) Társadalmi integráció a jelenkori Magyarországon. Argumentum, Budapest.

Iwasaki, I. – Makó, Cs. – Szanyi, M. – Csizmadia, P. – Illéssy, M. (2012) Economic Transformation and Industrial Restructuring: The Hungarian Experience. Tokyo, Maruzen Publishing.

Dupcsik Cs. – Kovách I. – P. Tóth T. – Takács J. (2011) (szerk.) Nézőpontok. Fiatal kutatók tanulmányai. Budapest: MTA Szociológiai Kutatóintézet (Szociológiai Tanulmányok 2011/1.).

Szirmai V. (ed.) (2011) Urban Sprawl in Europe. Similarities or Differences? Budapest: Aula Kiadó, 280 p.

Book chapters

Bartha E. (2014) Forgotten Histories: Workers and the New Capitalism in East Germany and Hungary. In Boyer J.W. – Molden B. (szerk.) EUtROPEs:The Paradox of European Empire. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 309–334.

Fernezelyi, B. – Erőss, G. (2014) Knowledge interests: promoting and resisting change in mental health in Hungary. In Freeman, R. – Sturdy, S. (eds.) Knowledge in policy: Embodied, inscribed, enacted. 256 p. Bristol: Policy Press, 45.

Dupcsik Cs. – Tóth Olga (2014) Family Systems and Family Values in Twenty-First-Century Hungary. In: Zsombor Rajkai (szerk.) Family and Social Change in Socialist and Post-Socialist Societies. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2014. pp. 210–249.

Csanádi, G. – Csizmady, A. –  Róbert, P. (2014) Adult Learning in Hungary: Participation and Labor Market Outcomes. In Blossfeld, H.-P. – Kilpi-Jakonen, E. – Vono de Vilhena, D. – Buchholz, S. (eds.) Adult Learning In Modern Societies: An International Comparison from a Life-course Perspective. Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 264–282.

Hobson, B. – Fahlén, S. – Takács J. (2014) A sense of entitlement? Agency and capabilities in Sweden and Hungary. In Hobson, B. (ed.) Worklife Balance: The Agency & Capabilities Gap. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 57–91.

Kapitány Á. – Kapitány G. (2014) Symbols and Values of EP-election Campaigns in Hungary. In Gyárfásova, O. – Liebhart, K. (eds.) Constructing and Communicating Europe: Cultural Patterns of Politics. Zürich; Berlin; Münster: LIT Verlag, 81–97.

Szikra D. – Aczél Zs. – Szelewa, D. (2014) The Changing Language of Social Policy in Hungary and Poland. In Petersen, K. – Beland, D. (eds.) Analysing Social Policy Concepts and Language. Comparative and Transnational Perspectives. Bristol: The Policy Press, 35–57.

Takács J. (2014) Queering Budapest. In Evans J. V. – Cook M. (eds.) Queer Cities, Queer Cultures: Europe since 1945. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 191–210.

Vajda R. (2014) Squaring the Circle: Gender democracy in Hungary. In Galligan, Y. (ed.) States of Democracy: A Gender View of Europe. Routledge: Routledge, 1.

Janky B. – Lengyel Gy. (2013) Contractual Trust: The Long Shadow of the Shadow Economy. In Bluhm, K. – Martens, B. – Trappmann, V. (eds.) Business Leaders and New Varieties of Capitalism in Post-Communist Europe. Oxford: Routledge, 134–147.

Kristóf L. (2013) Reputation Among the Hungarian Intellectual Elite. In Thijssen, P. – Weyns, W. –  Timmerman, Ch. – Mels, S. (eds.) New Public Spheres: Recontextualizing the Intellectual. Farnham: Ashgate, 197–212.