Call for papers - special issue of on The Faces of Knowledge in Society, a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly seeks submissions for a special (English language) issue of the journal devoted to knowledge in society. We invite contributions on all topics related to knowledge in the broadest sense, and we especially welcome submissions that are both substantive and methodological in nature.
Network Dynamics, Recent Developments - NET-WORK-SHOP IV
The program takes place at the Institute for Sociology,
Centre for Social Sciences (Room 31, 1st floor) on 25th April from 10:00 to
9th Annual Conference of the Hungarian Network for Social Netwoprk Analysis.
conference takes place at the Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest, Országház
utca 30 1014., Jakobinus room
Date: 26th
April 2013.
NET-WORK-SHOP & First Annual Workshop of RECENS - Modeling, Measuring, and Analyzing Negative and Positive Ties
Date: 28 February, 2013, 13:00-17:10
Location: Room 31, 1st floor, Institute for Sociology of MTA Centre for Social Sciences H-1014 Budapest, Országház utca 30.
Presentations will be in English!