Bibliográfia - Az egészségügyi intézmények, a szociális intézmények, az önkormányzatok és a lakosság alkalmazkodási lehetőségei az éghajlatváltozás várható hatásaihoz

1. Jale Tuson & Mile Misic (2020. jan. 11.) -Conferring authority in the European Union: citizens’ policy priorities for the European Energy Union


We analyse data from the 2018 Eurobarometer survey to provide a debate on EU authority in the field of energy policy beyond the member states’ preferences. More specifically, we look at why citizens are willing to confer authority to the EU in making energy policy and which policy priorities they indicate. Focusing on public opinion appears promising as the data reveals that European citizens have a more positive stance on allocating policy competences to the EU than the member states’ governments. The descriptive analysis shows that most citizens prefer the Energy Union to prioritise the promotion of renewable energy. This holds particularly true for citizens living in Western Europe that have a left-leaning ideology and who perceive climate change as an issue. For Central-East European citizens, especially those who are right-leaning and perceive energy security as a problem, the Energy Union should give priority to increasing energy security.


2. Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen & Christina Eder(2020 május 5) - Public opinion in policy contexts. A comparative analysis of domestic energy policies and individual policy preferences in Europe


Recent research and real-world processes suggest that effective climate change mitigation policies are not feasible without at least a certain degree of public support. Hence, we investigate the link between existing domestic energy policies and individual policy instrument preferences in 21 European countries. We assume a policy feedback perspective and, thus, start from the idea that the current domestic energy context influences what future policies are possible and preferred by citizens. High political trust and strong climate change attitudes are expected to strengthen this relationship. Our results do not lend support to a general link between existing policies and future policy preferences. However, we find evidence of a positive policy feedback in individuals with strong climate change attitudes and/or high levels of political trust, which, depending on each country’s current energy policy, either hinders or facilitates the energy transition.


3. David B.Tindall, Mark C. J. Soddart & Adam C. Howe (2020. július 02.) Social Networks and Climate Change Policy Preferences: Structural Location and Policy Actor Support for Fossil Fuel Production


Contrary to what is needed for reducing global GHG emissions, successive Canadian governments have placed fossil fuel production at the core of national economic development. This presents a puzzle: how should we understand contradictory political commitments to the Paris agreement and low carbon energy futures, on one hand, and the persistence of support for fossil fuel centered energy futures, on the other hand. Using a policy network perspective, we ask: Is the location of actors within a climate change policy network associated with their position on curtailing the Alberta oil sands development? Results show that actors’ social network positions are associated with their support for curtailing oil sands development. This network association persists even when the sectoral affiliation and climate change beliefs of actors are statistically controlled. Our results demonstrate that policy network analysis helps explain the persistence of the contradictory politics of fossil fuel development and support for decarbonization.


4. Adriana AnaMaria Davidescu, Simona- Andreea Apostu & Andreea Paul (2020 szept. 11) - Exploring Citizens' Actions in Mitigating Climate Change and Moving toward Urban Circular Economy. A Multilevel Approach


Urbanization and climate change are requiring cities to find novel pathways to a sustainable future, and therefore the urban context may accelerate the conversion to a circular economy. In this sense, climate change is a considerable threat to the environment, affecting both human and natural systems, and in this context individuals have a very important role. Therefore, the paper aims to investigate, on the one hand, what determines people to undertake specific actions in fighting climate change and, on the other hand, what determines some people to engage in adopting multiple actions exhibiting extra mitigation behaviour compared to others, paving the way to an urban circular economy. In order to do that, multilevel logistic regression analysis using hierarchical data (individuals grouped in counties), reflecting group variability and group-level characteristics effects on outcomes at individual level has been applied. Special attention was given to modernisation thesis validation, stipulating that citizens from more developed and modernized countries are expected to manifest a higher level of extra mitigation compared to inhabitants of less-modernized nations. The empirical results revealed the positive association of pro-environmental factors, socio-demographic and economic factors with both specific and extra mitigation behaviour in fighting climate change. An important finding of the empirical research highlighted the validation of the modernisation thesis, even if partially, and the reinforcement of the modernisation thesis impact on the extra mitigation behaviour determined by the urban area segmentation. The extra commitment behaviour reflected by citizens’ multiple actions in fighting climate change ensures progress to a circular economy through its contribution to waste reduction, eco-shopping increase, on eco-friendly transportation increase or domestic energy reduction. We believe that a shift in citizens’ attitude towards climate change is needed, taking into account that a lot must be done” to effectively respond to climate change, paving the way for the circular economy.

5. Aikaterini Zerva, Georgios Tsantopoulos, Evengelos Grigoroudis & Garyfallos Arabatzis ( 2018 április) - Perceived citizens’ satisfaction with climate change stakeholders using a multicriteria decision analysis approach


The current need to adjust to the climate change requires urgent action to be taken both by the stakeholders involved in addressing climate change and by citizens. However, in order for citizens to be able to take part in such actions directly or indirectly, they will need to have a positive perception of the relevant stakeholders, so that a mutual relationship of trust and understanding is established. The objective of this study is to examine citizen satisfaction with the actions of the stakeholders involved in climate change. The study was conducted in Greece using a structured questionnaire; 1536 questionnaires were collected from January 2014 to June 2015 and the relevant data were processed using the MUSA method (MUlticriteria Satisfaction Analysis). The results of the study show that the citizens are not particularly satisfied, mainly with the actions of the governmental authorities involved in addressing climate change. In order to motivate citizens to take part in such actions in future, the relevant governmental bodies will need to increase their involvement and substantially improve their actions regarding the reduction of pollutants from industry and business, the level of civil protection and information provision, as well as public awareness and education on climate change.


6. Hopkins, Rob (30 July 2020). From What Is to What If; Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want (Paper ed.). Chelsea Green Publishing

Mena Grossman & Emily Cramer (2016) - Assessing diversity and inclusivity within the Transition movement: an urban case study

The Transition movement has experienced remarkable growth in its first decade, yet there remains considerable doubt about its ability to appeal to a diverse audience. To date, few studies have explicitly examined diversity of participation in the movement. Addressing this gap in the literature, a case study is presented of Transition Town Tooting (TTT). Results from a mixed methods approach comprising semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and a quantitative survey indicate that the demographic profiles of TTT participants do not represent the diversity of the Tooting population. This disparity is exacerbated by TTT’s ‘passive’ approach to inclusivity within the core group. Reflecting upon the implications for Transition’s goal of local resilience, it is suggested that, particularly within dense urban communities, initiatives may have more potential for engaging diverse voices through a local ‘brokering’ role between various subcommunities.


7. Maria Fernandes-Jesus, Anabela Carvalho,Lúcia Fernandes &Sofia Bento (2017) - Community engagement in the Transition movement: views and practices in Portuguese initiatives


As the need to address climate change is ever more urgent, many have emphasised the importance of community-level responses. The Transition movement has advanced community-based action to increase resilience for over a decade and has expanded significantly. Thus, it is a critical setting for examining community engagement towards climate change in practice. Our study is based on 39 interviews with facilitators of Transition initiatives in Portugal, coupled with observational data, and is guided by two main research questions: how do Transition initiatives promote community engagement at the local level? What are the factors constraining or facilitating community engagement within Portuguese Transition initiatives? We identify several aspects of Transition’s constructions of community resilience and engagement that indicate ambivalence towards, or avoidance of, certain issues. They relate do agency, structure, power and inclusion, as well as to the modes of engagement and the communication practices of Transition initiatives. We argue that strategies for community engagement should be specific to social contexts rather than internationally uniform and be based on participatory approaches. Drawing on an extensive empirical analysis, the article contributes to theory building on the Transition movement beyond the Anglo-Saxon context and to the wider field of community-based environment initiatives.


8.Andrea Felicetti (2013) - Localism and the Transition movement


This article explores the relationship between localism and contemporary community engagement. In particular, it focuses on the Transition movement, an especially interesting case, given its localistic and community-oriented nature. The article begins with a short discussion of more traditional conceptions of localism. Subsequently, it examines Transition and discusses the relation between the movement and localism. It is argued that, despite some overlap, the relationship between localism and community groups like Transition Initiatives is problematic for theoretical and practical reasons. The ideas underpinning localist reforms and the Transition movement seem to differ widely, and these divergences do emerge in important discussions within the movement, a point illustrated here by a brief overview of the debate about the Big Society in the UK. At the same time, as the four case studies of Transitions in Australia and Italy show, there are also more practical concerns. Here, an initial problem is that there is a tension between the movement's open approach to institutional practice and actual everyday practice. The participants' frustration with, and scepticism towards, politics shapes the nature of their collaboration with councils. Indeed, often, the efforts of one (or very few) participants, rather than of the broader community, may underpin the relationship between the Transition movement and local institutions. Moreover, whilst groups may seek to tackle this problem and engage with communities, local institutions seem to encourage only limited, and sometimes problematic, interactions with community organisations. To the extent that localist agendas do not address these shortcomings, it seems unlikely that they will be able to promote deeper engagement between community organisations and local institutions.


9.Elena Pavan, Andrea Felicetti (2019) - Digital Media and Knowledge Production Within Social Movements: Insights From the Transition Movement in Italy


In this article, we aim at contributing to ongoing discussions on the nexus between digital media and social movements. We investigate how activists problematize the inclusion of digital media within their courses of action and exploit these tools to produce and diffuse alternative knowledge on the issues on which they mobilize. We do so by studying Transition Italia (TI), the Italian hub of the transnational Transition movement struggling for resilience and sustainability. First, we reconstruct how activists problematized the adoption of digital media within TI’s courses of action. Second, we explore how activists leveraged Facebook affordances to produce and diffuse alternative knowledge on TI as a collective actor, its visions and practices, its action networks, and the political alternatives it aims to achieve. Far from being passive adopters of digital media, activists considered critically the inclusion of digital media within TI’s activities in light of three elements of import to the national activist community: the appropriateness of mainstream digital platforms to inform citizens, the perceived efficacy of digital tools, and the attempt to distinguish themselves from the global Transition Network. Moreover, we show that activists engaged in a “knowledge curation work” by sharing links and creating and spreading original contents.


10. Callum McGregor, Jim Crowther (2018) - The Transition movement as politics and pedagogy in communities


Previous contributors to the CDJ have already critically appraised tensions within the Transition approach by examining its tacit assumptions about community (Transitioning communities: community, participation and the Transition Towns movement, Community Development Journal, 46(4), pp. 558–572.) and its political economy (The political economy of localization in the Transition movement, Community Development Journal, 50(2), pp. 213–326.). We add to this work by analysing how the movement's cultural politics frames its pedagogical approach. We analyse the Transition movement's pedagogy in the wider context of theoretical arguments about ‘post-politics’. Its pedagogy aims to mould new subjectivities that are commensurate with the energy descent plan of the movement. Central to its approach is the way in which its collective identity has been carefully crafted as distinct from the wider environmental movement in order to generate public appeal. The movement's focus on local community as a site of consensus rather than conflict, descent rather than dissent, resilience rather than resistance, are central to its curriculum. In this respect, the Transition movement builds on what can be useful and valuable in the language of ‘community’, whilst at the same time embodying, or perhaps even amplifying, its limitations and omissions.


11. Emily Nicolosia & Giuseppe Feolab (2016) - Transition in place: Dynamics, possibilities, and constraints


The Transition Movement is a translocal phenomenon circulated through transnational grassroots networks. This study explores the geographies of the Transition Movement with a theoretical framework that perceives it as both a social movement and a grassroots innovation. Participant-observation of Transition Salt Lake (TSL), located in the suburban metropolis of Salt Lake City, Utah, was conducted, as the United States remains a largely understudied country in regards to this particular movement. In this pursuit, we asked: (i) how and what this transition initiative draws from geographically extensive and intensive relations, (ii) how it combines place-specific elements and generalized models (embeddedness), and (iii) how this impacts the success of the transition initiative and how these impacts (positive or negative) are generated. Place, space, and scale played a large role in defining the nature, dynamics, possibilities, and constraints of this transition initiative. Specifically, geographically intensive and extensive relations were critical for the mobilization of complementary resources. The Transition model was found to be flexible, allowing for the initiative to adopt those elements that worked in place and to focus on locally relevant topics. TSL faced many challenges identified by previous researchers regarding finances, participation, diversity, and intragroup competition. While networking with other similar groups, TSL demonstrated that fertile environments of activism are incubatory pools for grassroots innovations and social movements, and a trade-off was found with competition for resources between local groups.


12. Impact and Transparency Report (2021) CrowdFarming team
„When we pioneered the CrowdFarming idea as young farmers ourselves, we dreamed of radically transforming the relationship between producers and consumers. We wanted to make it more direct, more transparent, and more efficient. We developed, tested and implemented this model at our own family orchard.”


13. Food waste: the problem in the EU in numbers (2017)

„Some 88 million tonnes of food are wasted in the EU every year, equivalent to 173 kilos per person. Not only is this a waste or resources, it also contributes to climate change. Parliament is working on new measures to cut food waste in the EU by 50%. Check out our infographic to find out  which sectors and countries waste the most food and read what is being done at EU level and what you can do yourself.”

14. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (2014), Food Wastage footprint & Climate Change

15. Geyer R., Jambeck J.R., Lavender Law K., (2017), “Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made”, Science Advances, Vol. 3, no. 7, e1700782

Plastics have outgrown most man-made materials and have long been under environmental scrutiny. However, robust global information, particularly about their end-of-life fate, is lacking. By identifying and synthesizing dispersed data on production, use, and end-of-life management of polymer resins, synthetic fibers, and additives, we present the first global analysis of all mass-produced plastics ever manufactured. We estimate that 8300 million metric tons (Mt) as of virgin plastics have been produced to date. As of 2015, approximately 6300 Mt of plastic waste had been generated, around 9% of which had been recycled, 12% was incinerated, and 79% was accumulated in landfills or the natural environment. If current production and waste management trends continue, roughly 12,000 Mt of plastic waste will be in landfills or in the natural environment by 2050.

16. Harvard Business School, (2021), Impact-Weighted Accounts


17. Parker L., (2019), “The world’s plastic pollution crisis explained”, National Geographic, 7th of June 2019
„Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues, as rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with them. Plastic pollution is most visible in developing Asian and African nations, where garbage collection systems are often inefficient or nonexistent. But the developed world, especially in countries with low recycling rates, also has trouble properly collecting discarded plastics. Plastic trash has become so ubiquitous it has prompted efforts to write a global treaty negotiated by the United Nations.”


18. Poore J., Nemecek T., (2018), “Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers”, Science, 01 Jun 2018


19. Ritchie H., (2020) - “Environmental impacts of food production”


20. Tom Mueller (2007) Slippery Business :The trade in adulterated olive oil.


21. CrowdFarming (2020), “Economic Transparency”, CrowdFarming Blog

22. Dr Jade Lindley and Professor Adam Graycar (2021 ) Regulating the Food Supply Chain Through Blockchain

„When a family in the United States eats a piece of fish for dinner, they could be eating seafood caught near Fiji by a Chinese vessel, shipped to a packing plant in Thailand, and sold to a distributor in Mexico before it ever reached a U.S. wholesaler and finally a supermarket chain in Chicago. And to complicate matters further, the selling name of a fish that travels through a global supply chain can vary across different countries or regions.”

23. Kris Johnson Ferreira, Joel Goh & Ehsan Valavi (2017) Intermediation in the Supply of Agricultural Products in Developing Economies


24. Ahmed Elghannam , Francisco J. Mesias , Miguel Escribano, Lina Fouad, Andres Horrillo and Alfredo J. Escribano (2019) Consumers’ Perspectives on Alternative Short Food Supply Chains Based on Social Media: A Focus Group Study in Spain

 Nowadays, an increasing number of consumers are demanding more information and more direct contact with food producers in order to avoid the various intermediaries in the supply chain, thus improving food traceability and price transfer. This has led to the development of more direct (short) food supply chains (SFSCs). Although consumer preferences to use SFSCs rather than traditional (long) supply chains have been widely researched in the literature, this study brings a new approach with the use of social media sites to build online SFSCs. A focus group approach with a total of 32 participants was used in this study with the main objective to understand consumers’ awareness and acceptance of SFSCs. Special attention was given to the use of social media and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) as new approaches to support the creation of such alternative channels.

25. Michael Paul Kramer, Linda Bitsch and Jon Hanf (2021) - Blockchain and Its Impacts on Agri-Food Supply Chain Network Management


 Blockchain is an emerging meta-technology and considered a new institutional technology with the potential to change the governance of vertically integrated food supply chains. This paper investigates the effects on coordination mechanisms in vertically cooperating agri-food networks that result from the implementation of different blockchain technology platform types (BCTPT). The research is based on an extensive literature overview and exploratory use cases of BCTPT implementations in the agri-food industry which are presented to illustrate the applicability of the findings. Our analysis shows that BCTPT predominantly differentiate through the coordination mechanisms exerting of power, information sharing, decision-making, and collective learning benefits. We also reveal that blockchain use cases with high success rates typically operate in a vertical ecosystem where a focal firm assumes the responsibility for coordinating the activities in the supply chain network. These use cases are typically operationalized in tracking and tracing applications as well as in provenance-based information provision, which either operate in vertically coordinated private blockchain or consortium-type blockchain platforms. We conclude that the choice of a specific BCTPT with its respective coordination mechanisms is a key determinant of the economic success of the intended use case, the efficient management of the supply chain network, and eventually for the chosen digital business model. This paper will close a research gap, as the potential impacts of different blockchain technology platform types on digital agri-food business models and its supply chain management have scarcely been researched.

26. EURACTIV - SHORT FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS IN EUROPE’S SOUTH (2018) Special Report.’s-south.pdf


27. Teri Jo Craven (2017) Evaluating disintermediation in regional food systems using agent-based modeling

28. Friends of the Earth Europe (2020) SHORT FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN

29. Philippe FLEURY & Carole CHAZOULE (2014) Localizlocalized organic agri-food supply chains in Rhône-Alpes (France): form of resistance or vehicle for conventionalisation of organic agriculture?

30. Aubry D., Kebir L. (2013) Shortening food supply chains: A means for maintaining agriculture close to urban areas? The case of the French metropolitan area of Paris

31. Kebir, L., Torre, A. (2013) Geographical proximity and new short supply food chains


Németh András, Pukánszky Béla, Pirka Veronika (2014) Továbbélő utópiák - reformpedagógia és életreform a 20. század első felében

Németh András – Vincze Beatrix (szerk.) (2017) Továbbélő utópiák – magyar életreform-törekvések és nemzetközi recepciós hatások

Varga Szabolcs és Vargáné Topor Erika (2021) Vidéken újrakezdők – Ahogyan mi látjuk, cenzúra nélkül

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