WelfareExperiences. Secure, Dignified and Just? A paradigm shift in the comparative study of social protection



Project leader (on behalf on CSS): Dorottya Szikra 

Project participants: Adrienn Győry


The ERC Consolidator Grant project, WelfareExperiences will analyse how different welfare systems can affect people's mental health and chances of returning to work. The comparative project analyses this question not just through the amount of money people get, but through the wider experience of claiming.

With the leadership of Prof. Ben Baumberg Geiger, from King’s College London, the study will compare ‘claimant experiences’ across countries, look at the impacts of these experiences on mental health and work, and how policies influence these experiences.
The project wants to achieve a paradigm shift in comparative social protection research which previously has focused almost exclusively on income or work ignoring broader, crucially important claimant experiences.
The project will study experiences across five welfare regimes (Norway, UK, Spain, Hungary, and Estonia).