Urban Areas, Socio-spatial Inequalities and Conflicts.The Socio-spatial Factors of European Competitiveness

Project Leader

Szirmai, Viktória


Füstös, László
Ferencz, Zoltán
Váradi, Zsuzsanna
Bognár, Judit

Consortium Partners

Institute of Sociology, HAS - Szirmai, Viktória
Centre for Regional Studies, HAS – Rechnitzer, János
Kodolányi János Főiskola – Hervainé Szabó, Gyöngyvér
Pestterv Pest megyei Terület, Település- Környezet Tervező és Tanácsadó Ltd. – Schuchmann Péter
Székesfehérvári Regionális Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány – Csabina, Zoltán

The research

The basic research goal of the project titled „Urban Areas, Socio-spatial Inequalities and Conflicts – The Socio-spatial Dimensions of European Competitiveness” is studying spatial and social inequalities, their effects to social conflicts in Hungarian urban areas and to reveal the social factors of urban areas’ competitiveness. A Further basic research goal is to compare European and Hungarian urban areas’ spatial and social inequalities and conflicts with competitiveness. Leaning on the basic research issues, elaborating a method for decreasing social inequalities, treating social conflicts and enhancing economic and social competitiveness are the goals of applied research. The research that covers nine large cities and their urban areas is supported by direct and indirect analyzing methods, such as a representative questionnaire with a five thousand head samples, a hundred deep interviews and a statistical data analysis.