Social Exclusion of LGBT People in Hungary

Project Leader

 Takács, Judit


Takács, Judit
P. Tóth, Tamás

The research

This research project focussed on the situation of LGBT people in Hungary, particularly on the level of social exclusion experienced by them. The research identified the main social contexts in which discrimination and prejudice targeting LGBT people are very common, including the main agents of socialization, such as family, school, media. The research project was successfully completed. The final report (pdf 584 KB) was submitted to the Ministry of Labour and presented at the closing conference of the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All – 2007, in Hungary.
The research project was successfully completed. The final report was submitted to the Ministry of Labour and presented at the closing conference of the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All – 2007, in Hungary.
The research report is published in Hungarian ( and in English ( by the Hungarian Electronic Library. The
English translation of the research report was supported by the ILGA-Europe Human Rights Violations Documentation Fund.