Ákos Huszár

Ákos Huszár
Download CV Senior Research Fellow (TK SZI)
Research Interests

Ákos Huszár, PhD is a senior research fellow at the Center for Social Sciences, Budapest. He earned his PhD at the Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Budapest) in 2008. His work focuses on comparative social stratification and mobility research. He is interested in how the class structure reproduces itself and to what extent the significance of social class has changed over time in relation to different phenomena, such as labour market characteristics, material living conditions or political behaviour. His research interests also include the history of sociology and critical social theories. He was previously editor of Replika. Journal of Social Sciences and is currently involved in the editing of Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. In recent years, his work has been published in international journals such as International Journal of Sociology, Sociological Research Online or East European Politics and Societies.

Selected Publications

Huszár, Á., Győri, Á. & Balogh, K. (2022). Resistance to Change. Intergenerational Class Mobility in Hungary, 1973–2018. Sociological Research Onlinehttps://doi.org/10.1177/13607804221084727

Huszár, Á. & Berger, V. (2022). The new Hungarian middle class? International Journal of Sociology

Huszár, Á. (2022). Osztályszerkezet és jövedelemeloszlás Magyarországon 1982 és 2019 között In: Kolosi, T., Szelényi, I. & Tóth, I. Gy. (szerk.): Társadalmi Riport 2022. Budapest: TÁRKI, 159–173.

Huszár, Á. (2022). A Fidesz-támogatók előre mennek, az ellenzékiek meg hátra? Osztályszavazás Magyarországon. In: Böcskei, B. & Szabó, A. (szerk.): Az állandóság változása. Parlamenti választás 2022. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Politikatudományi Intézet, 87–111.

Huszár Á. & Füzér, K. (2021). Improving Living Conditions, Deepening Class Divisions. East European Politics and Societies,


Research Projects

The Changing Significance of Class in Comparative Perspective (principal investigator)

Mobilitás Kutatási Centrum (participating researcher, PI: Imre Kovách)

Social Structure and Inequalities Through the Lens of Digital Data (participating researcher, PI: Júlia Koltai)