Research Interests
Bálint Hilbert, PhD is a junior research fellow at the Centre for Social Sciences in Budapest. He earned his PhD from Eötvös Loránd University in 2023 with a dissertation titled „The Birth of Modern Urban Governance in Central Europe – A Legal-Geographical Study of the Cities of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (1867–1918).” His research focuses on two main areas: urban governance, planning, and policies; and the historical-geographical study of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, with a particular emphasis on comparative analyses of Vienna and Budapest from various perspectives. The intersection of these topics led to a successful scientific work and presentation at the National Scientific Students' Associations Conference and culminated in his PhD dissertation. His academic work has been supported by several scholarships, including the New National Excellence Programme for doctoral students and the Collegium Hungaricum scholarship, which enabled him to conduct research in Vienna on multiple occasions. His main publications align with these research themes, though he has also published on related topics such as the history of geography and the diplomatic relations between Central European capitals.
Selected Publications
Hilbert, B. (2024). Exploring new dimensions of urban governance: The development of administrative systems in Trieste and Fiume (Rijeka) during the final decades of the Habsburg Empire (1850–1918). Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 73(4), 437-454.
Hilbert, B. (2024). Urban governance systems in autonomous territories of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: The cases of Croatia-Slavonia and Austrian Galicia (1867-1918). Geographia Polonica, 97(1), 23-46.
Hilbert, B. (2024). New Aspects in Historical-Geographical Research of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: The Legal Nature of the Customs Union and Migration Links between Austria and Hungary (1870–1910). Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 165, 63-89.
Hilbert B. (2019). A földrajztudomány intézményesülése és szellemiségének fejlődése az Osztrák–Magyar Monarchiában. Földrajzi Közlemények, 143(3), 223-235.
Hilbert B. (2017). Budapest, Bécs, Prága és Varsó közötti városdiplomáciai kapcsolatok. Településföldrajzi Tanulmányok, 6(2), 41-59.
Research Projects
Socio-spatial inequalities of energy transition (InET), NKFIH 146987, 2024-2027. (participant, Pl: Lea Kőszeghy)
The sociology of urban planning - urban planning and society, NKFIH 124940, 2017-2023. (participant, Pl: Adrienne Csizmady)