Csaba Dupcsik

Csaba Dupcsik
Download CV Senior Research Fellow (TK SZI)
Research Interests

Csaba Dupcsik, Ph.D. is a research fellow at the Institute of Sociology of the Center of Social Sciences, Budapest. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2000 and his habilitation doctorate in 2012, both at Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest. His professional interests, which seem to be diverse at the level of listing, are integrated by the dominant, although not exclusive, theoretical and historical orientation. He achieved his most important results in the field of minority sociology, sociological history, and family and gender sociological research. He also dealt with the sociology of science, the categories of macroregional otherness and identity, social history, grievance games, and the social problems of seriously ill patients and their families. He has published 121 publications (31-12-2022), of which four are monographs. He is the co-author of six high school textbooks and several other educational aids. He participated, among others, in the FP7 EDUMIGRON research, and was the leader of three OTKA research.

Selected Publications

Dupcsik, Csaba (2018) Elismerés és sérelem: Az elismerésért folytatott harc és a sérelmi politikák. [Recognition and grievance: The struggle for recognition and the politics of grievance] Socio.hu – Társadalomtudományi Szemle. 2018/1. 48-68. DOI: 10.18030/socio.hu.2018.1.48 Available: https://socio.hu/uploads/files/2018_1szalai/27_dupcsik.pdf [downloaded: 14-06-2018]

Dupcsik, Csaba (2018) A magyarországi cigányok/romák a hétköznapi és a tudományos diskurzusok tükrében. A magyarországi cigányság a cigánykutatások tükrében, 1890-2008. (Budapest: Osiris, 2009) c. kötet második, átdolgozott kiadása. [Gypsies/Roma in Hungary in the light of everyday and scientific discourses] Budapest: MTA TK (SzI), Szociológiai tanulmányok 2018/1. ISBN 978-963-8302-53-3 Available: https://szociologia.tk.mta.hu/uploads/files/2018/dupcsik_roma.pdf [downloaded: 01-12-2018]

Dupcsik, Csaba (2019) The National Ideas as an Integration Ideology. Hungarian Dilemmas from the Last Third of 18th Century to 1918. In Semsey, Viktória (ed) National Identity and Modernity 1870-1945. Latin America, Southern Europe, East Central Europe. Budapest-Paris: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary – L’Harmattan Publishing. 121-134.

Dupcsik, Csaba (2020) „Meghalósat a Zoéval szoktunk játszani!” Tudás és hatalom az orvos–beteg interakciókban. [„We used to play dying game with Zoé!” Knowledge and power in doctor-patient interactions] Sic Itur ad Astra. 72. 153-180. Available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347986470_Meghalosat_a_Zoeval_szoktunk_jatszani  [downloaded: 29-12-2020]

Dupcsik, Csaba (2022) A magyar szociológiai gondolkodás története 1990-ig. [The history of Hungarian sociological ideas until 1990] Budapest: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem – L’Harmattan. ISBN: 978-963-414-887-6 DOI: https://doi.org/10.56037/978-963-414-887-6 Available: http://real.mtak.hu/153667/1/A%20magyar%20szociol%C3%B3giai%20gondolkod%C3%A1s%20t%C3%B6rt%C3%A9nete%201990-ig.pdf  [downloaded: 10-03-2023]

Research Projects

Coping strategies of families with a rare disease family member, pilot research (ethical permit number of the Social Science Research Center: FOIG-1/130-28/2022) (principal investigator)

Work, society and politics: workplace culture in the Hungarian model of socialism, comparative analysis, Momentum working group, supervisor: Sándor Horváth (participating researcher)