Institute for Minority Studies, CSS HAS
Co-sponsored by the Hungarian LGBT Alliance
invite you to the workshop entitled
Faced with multiple „values” - from the perspective of the Roma LGBTQI community 
In August 2015 the first ever Roma LGBTQI conference took place in Prague, bringing together academics, NGO representatives, and activists working in the field. This event contributes to continuing the discussion about the experiences of Roma LGBTQI people.
Although there is extensive academic literature as well as public discussion about the Roma and LGBTQI people, the particular subgroup of LGBTQI Roma is often surrounded by a lack of awareness, taboo, and thus invisibility. Some existing sources have argued that the inherent “deviance” of these two minorities are genetically coded. Others believe that socio-economic, cultural, linguistic, and “lifestyle” elements are what separate these groups from the majority.
This discussion looks at the topic through the lens of multiple (or intersectional) discrimination and argues that Roma LGBTQI people are subject to particular forms of oppression at the intersection of racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and transphobia. The presentations will provide an overview of intersections of marginalized identities and will discuss the particular workings of oppression and identity forming of Roma LGBTQI people. The particular example of the Czech Republic will be examined, where the first ever Roma LGBT organization was founded.
Judit Takács (Institute for Sociology, Centre for Social Sciences, HAS)
Dodo Karsay Human rights consultant, researcher, board member of the Hungarian LGBT Alliance (Hungary):
Overview: intersectional identities and movement building
Lucie Fremlova PhD, researcher (University of Brighton):
Multiple marginalisations, intersectionality and identity: research with LGBT Roma
David Tišer, director of AraArt, researcher, filmmaker (Czech Republic):
Roma LGBT in Czech Republic
20 minutes open discussion
Concluding remarks by Judit Takács