Head of research
Oxford Institute of Ageing, UK
Andreas Hoff, Oxford Institute of Ageing, UK
Head of research (IS HAS)
Széman, Zsuzsa
- Hamburg, Institut für Berufsund Wirtschaftspädagogik, Hamburg, Germany - Hanneli Döhner
- Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen hansjoachim, Berlin, Germany - Hans-Joachim von Kondratowitz
- Oxford Institute of Ageing, Oxford, UK, Geirg Leeso - Andreas Hoff
- Italian National Research Centre on Ageing, Ancona, Italy- Lamura Giovanni
- University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenenia - Valentina Hlebec
- CNAV, Párzis, France - Claudine Attias-Donfut
- NOVA, Oslo, Norway - John Eriksen
- Warsaw School of Economics, Warsawa, Poland - Ewa Fratczak
- University of Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Agnes Nemenyi
- Åbo Academy Vaasa, Abo, Finnland - Helena Hurme
- Ben-Gurion University Be'er Sheva, Israel - Esther Lecovich
University de la Sapienza, Róma, Olaszország, Annamaria Simonazzi
Trinity College, Dublin, Írország, Virpi Timonen
The research
For demographic and economic reasons, eldercare provision regardless of welfare regime is unlikely to be sustainable in the long-term. The economic sustainability of eldercare provision in Southern, Central and Eastern Europe depends on an exploitative labour market for migrants and the care resources in the migrants’ countries of origin. The project is exploring the trends in this issue.
The result, the link of the project so fare made it possible to elaborate a proposal for a NORFACE call.