Migrants in elder-care

Project leader 

Institute of Sociology of the HAS - Széman, Zsuzsa


Széman, Zsuzsa


Institute of Ethnology of the HAS -Turai, Tünde

The research

The negative demographic processes are changing the system of formal and informal eldercare services. At present even the combined resources of the state and non-profit institutional system and the market sector are unable to provide an adequate solution for eldercare. One of the ways of filling the gap is to involve foreign manpower. The aim of the research is to analysis the following: the nature of services provided by migrants in eldercare; a comparison of these with the existing services in the state, non-profit and market sectors, and in the civil and informal spheres; manpower market segments of invisible migration appearing in the eldercare sector; whether the use of foreign manpower can be regarded as a strategy for a temporary or long term solution in the eldercare structure of the host society (receiving country); the interpersonal relations in the sending country of foreign national participating in the eldercare; an analysis of the care from the needs side.