NKFI PD 123789, 2018-2021
Principal investigator: Ivett Szalma
This research has two main aims. First, we would like to examine the knowledge related to fertility decision among those childless men and women who still plan to have children in the future by using online survey. We try to identify information gaps and misconceptions about later childbearing and fertility treatments that may impede informed decision making about the timing and viability of childbearing. We also would like to know that belonging to different social groups (educational backgrounds, employment status, family status age and living in different settlements) may coincide with different fertility knowledge.
In the second part of the researc we conduct quasi experiment research in order to know how the different educational intervention can increase the fertility knowledge at short and long term.
With an increasing number of women and men choosing to delay childbearing, there is a critical need for public education regarding age-related fertility declines and the availability, costs, and limitations of AHR. However, childbearing is a complex but we cannot change the economic and social realities faced by the current generation at short-term but we can ensure to have ready access to accurate information about fertility and assisted human reproduction. This study can offer solutions on how we can increase the knowledge of fertility aged childless men and women with different socio-demographic backgrounds in Hungary.