Hana Porkertová: Doing Knowledge in Blind Assemblages - online event

   21st May 2024 - 21st May 2024

HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology cordially invites you to the following event: 


 Hana Porkertová: Doing Knowledge in Blind Assemblages 



Date: 14:00, 21th of May, 2024 



Meeting ID: 865 7614 9390
Passcode: 889438


 Host: Zoltan Brys

 Hana Porkertová (Mendel University in Brno) : Doing Knowledge in Blind Assemblages 

 The presentation challenges the Western association of knowledge with sight and blindness with ignorance. Drawing from interviews and observations with visually disabled individuals, it reveals how blind communities construct knowledge, emphasizing its diverse and dynamic nature often obscured by visual biases. By examining experiences of knowledge devaluation and advocating for rethinking disability assemblages, the study aims to blur distinctions between sighted and blind individuals, reframing blindness as part of a collective process of knowledge formation.

 Hana Porkertová:   Sociological Review Journal Article of the Year prize

 Discussion of Hana Porkertová, Dorottya Szikra and the audience