Workshop | Trajectories of civil society in a de-democratizing context

   17th November 2021 - 19th November 2021

Trajectories of civil society in a de-democratizing context

Workshop programme

Venue: Centre for Social Sciences,

4. Tóth Kálmán Street, Budapest, Hungary 1097, room 11-12

Date: 17-19 November, 2021

The workshop takes place in a hybrid format, each panel is available via ZOOM as well. Links are provided separately at each panel.

Wednesday (17th November)

12:00- registration, arrival

12:45-13:00 Welcome address

13:00-14:30 Polarization of civil societies

Chair: Szabina Kerényi

Daniel Platek: Protesting Civil Society in Poland. Towards a Pillarized Structure?

Boris Strečanský:  Church and the civil society: Overlapping organizational fields in an emancipatory struggle.

Ágnes Kövér-Van Til: Double attack on civil society - which is more hazardous marketization or authoritarianism?:

Discussant: Brigitte Horvath


14:30-14:50 coffee break

14:50-16:20 Civil society and crisis

Chair: Róza Vajda

Piotr Kocyba: Corona deniers in Poland - engagement under pandemic conditions

Margit Feischmidt, Violette Zentai and Eszter Neumann: Civil society and politics in solidarity actions during the COVID-19 crisis

Zsuzsa Árendás and Vera Messing: Navigating immigrant integration in a non-integration regime. The role of NGOs and self-help initiatives.

Discussant: Márton Gerő


16:20-16:40 coffee break

16:40-18:10 Civil society in an economic and cultural context

Chair: Márton Gerő

Denis Ivanov: Varieties of Capitalism, Civil Society and Vested Interests in the Times of Populism: Hungary and Lithuania

Viktor Papházi, Andra Szabó and Márton Gerő: Civil Society Discourses in the Mainstream Print Media – the Hungarian Case

Alexandra Samonek: Can Identity Pluralism Help Undo the de-democratization in CEE?

Discussant: Henry P. Rammelt and Ruxandra Gubernat


Thursday (18th November)

9:00-10:30 Shrinking space of civil society: aspects and approaches

Chair: Anna Fejős

Nicole Bolleyer: The Shrinking of Civil Society Space in Europe

Zsolt Körtvélyesi: Law used for and against authocratizating tendencies: The case of civil society in Hungary

Márton Gerő: Destroy or domesticate? The relationship between state actors and civil society organizations in a de-democratizing context.

Discussant: Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves


10:30-10:50 coffee break

10:50-12:40 Strategies of civil society organizations to democratic backsliding

Chair: Margit Feischmidt

Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves: The Role of Civil Society in Democratic Backsliding: the case of Poland and Hungary

Áron Buzogány and Arpad Todor: Protest or participate. Dilemmas of post-socialist civil society during democratic backsliding

Tom Junes: Civil society’s conundrum: Bulgaria’s year of democratic limbo

Henry P. Rammelt and Ruxandra Gubernat: Movement parties and populist civil society claims in Romania: The case of USR and AUR

Discussant: Margit Feischmidt and Szabina Kerényi


12:40-13:50 Lunch break

13:50-15:40 The different faces of civil society

Chair: Dorottya Szikra

Milka Ivanovska Hadjievska: Caught up in ‘culture wars’: Civil society elites’ contestation in the UK

Katerina Vrablikova and Paulina Pospieszna: Determinants of culturally conservative civic activism in CEE

Håkan Johansson, Stela Kosova: Boundaries and Closure: Acts of protecting and breaking privilege in the UK Charity Sector?

Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova and Francesca Chiarvesio: “Riding a Motorcycle in the Rain at a Wild Speed, You Get Wet and Dirty” Service Providing CSOs as Values Promoters in Russia

Discussant: Dániel Mikecz and András Morauszki


15:45-16:00 coffee break

16:15-17:45 Strategy for Civil Society under a Hybrid Regime

Keynote lecture by Andrew Arato, Dorothy Hart Hirshon Professor of Political and Social Theory, New School for Social Research


18:00-18:45 Future cooperation, ideas

19:00 - dinner

Friday (19th, November)


Civil society, policy making and advocacy

Chair: Márton Gerő

Brigitte Horváth, Michael Dobbins and Labanino Rafael: “Post-Truth Post-Communism” or much ado about nothing? 

Dorottya Szikra, Anna Fejős and Róza Vajda: Sticks and Carrots. Women's organizations under de-democratizing rule in Hungary between 2010 and 2020

Elifcan Celebi: Authoritarian Influences on Gender Politics: Women GONGOs in Turkey

Discussant: Pál Susánszky

11:30-13:00 The fight against populism

Chair: Dorottya Szikra

Jiří Navrátil and Milan Hrubeš: Fight fire with fire: Czech liberal activism challenging “populist government”

Kerényi Szabina: How does the rise of populism affect spaces of civil society?   

Dániel Mikecz:  Anti-regime protests in Hungary.

Discussant: Márton Gerő


13:00 Closing remarks