1st International Conference of the Project Crowdwork - Labour relations in the platform economy

   4th March 2021 - 4th March 2021

1st International Conference of the Project Crowdwork - Labour relations in the platform economy

1st International Conference of the Project Crowdwork

Organisers: Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest in collaboration with the Institute of the Information Society of the University of Public Administration

Conference programme:

08:30–09:00 Technical setup
09:00–09:10 Welcome and presentation of the Project Crowdwork
09:10–09:50 Keynote speaker: Dr. Kurt Vandaele, ETUI
09:50–10:05 Discussion
10:05–10:20 Coffee break
10:20–10:35 Collective voices in digital labour platforms. Diversity of representations in Portugal (Dr. Nuno Boavida, CICS.NOVA)
10:35–10:50 Trade unions and alternative strategies for the collective representation of platform workers in Spain. A case study comparison of delivery and ridehailing platforms (Dr. Juan Arasanz Díaz, NOTUS)
10:50–11:05 Reality check of crowd work in Germany. Discourse, expectations and open questions with regard to collective representation (Dr. Linda Nierling and Dr. Bettina Krings, ITAS/KIT)
11:05–11:20 Dominance of the individual voice and the exploration of the collective on. Heterogeneity of voice patterns among the Hungarian platform workers (Dr. Csaba Makó, CSS)
11:20–11:50 Discussion (open to all)

Participation is free, but you need to register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vfZwc-y5SN-8VIlq1ppWww
The link will be open 30 minutes in advance for participants to test the tools.
Participants are asked to log in via the link at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the event.

Facebook eventhttps://www.facebook.com/events/134006635258272/