How do families and children cope with transnational migration in the European Union?

   14th October 2019 - 14th October 2019

Programme (poster) 

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Academic conference based on case studies of social science research taking place in various countries and transnational localities of the EU.

Date: Oct 14, 2019, 9:00-16:30

Venue: ELKH, Centre for Social Sciences (Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont). Room K01.11-12 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4, 1097


9:00- 9:15    Registration

9:15 -9:30       Welcome note by Zsolt Boda, Director General, Centre for Social Sciences

9:30-11:00 Session 1: Transnational migration and families

9:30- 9:50       Annabel Tremlett - Nora Siklódi (University of Portsmouth, UK): “Circular migration, wellbeing and citizenship: Central & Eastern European (CEE) family experiences in the UK”

9:50-10:10 Daniela Sime (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK):
“Identity, citizenship and belonging among Central and Eastern European youth in Brexit Britain”

10:10- 10:30   Zsuzsanna Árendás, Noémi Katona and Vera Messing (Centre for Social Sciences, HAS, Budapest, HU): “The effects of transnational migration on families, with a special focus on transnational migrant children and their schooling. Results of a pilot-study from Hungary”

10.30-11:00    Discussion

11:00-11:30 Break

11:30 – 13:00 Session2: Parenting, childcare

11:30-11:50    Petra Ezzedine (Charles University, Prague, CZ): “Sentimental money: the commodification of transnational motherhood”

11:50-12:10    Viorela Ducu (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Ro): “Displaying grandparenting within Romanian transnational families”

12:10 – 12:30  Karolina Barglowski (Technical University, Dortmund, DE) “Migrant capital and parental involvement in their children’s transnational socialization”.

12:30-13:00 Discussion

13:00-14:30 Lunch break

14:30-16:00 Session 3: Children and youth

14:30-14:50    Áron Telegdi-Csetri, Viorela Ducu (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Ro) “The Stranger at Home - “Hybrid” Children Returning to Romania”

14:50 – 15:10  Kovács Nóra (Institute for Minority Studies, Centre for Social Sciences, HAS, Budapest, HU): “Transnational migrant children in fostering arrangements: Chinese children’s perspectives from Hungary”

15:10-15.30    Stefano Piemontese (Institute for Research into Superdiversity of the University of Birmingham, UK) “’The geographical and social mobility of underprivileged Roma youth in Europe”

15:30-16:00    Alexey Pamporov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BG): “The family trap of commercial sex trafficking”

16:00- 16:30          Discussion

The event is co-organized by the ELKH Centre for Social Sciences and CEU Center for Policy Studies.


Árendás, Zsuzsanna; Noémi Katona and Vera Messing (Centre for Social Sciences, HAS, Budapest, HU),

The effects of transnational migration on families, with a special focus on transmigrant children and their schooling. Results of a pilot-study from Hungary

Barglowski, Karolina (Technical University, Dortmund, DE)

Migrant capital and parental involvement in their children’s transnational socialization.

Ducu, Viorela (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Ro)

Displaying grandparenting within Romanian transnational families

Ezzedine, Petra (Charles University, Prague, CZ)

Sentimental money: the commodification of transnational motherhood

Kovács, Nóra (Institute for Minority Studies, Centre for Social Sciences, HAS, Budapest)

Transnational migrant children in fostering arrangements: Chinese children’s perspectives from Hungary

Pamporov, Alexey (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BG)

The family trap of commercial sex trafficking

Piemontese, Stefano (Institute for Research into Superdiversity of the University of Birmingham, UK)

The geographical and social mobility of underprivileged Roma youth in Europe

Sime, Daniela, (School of Social Work & Social Policy, University of Strathclyde)

Identity, citizenship and belonging among Central and Eastern European youth in Brexit Britain

Telegdi, Áron - Csetri, Viorela Ducu (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Ro)

The Stranger at Home - “Hybrid” Children Returning to Romania

Tremlett, Annabel - Nora Siklodi (University of Portsmouth, UK)

Circular migration, wellbeing and citizenship: Central & Eastern European (CEE) family experiences in the UK