Recent papers

Hilbert, B. (2024). Exploring new dimensions of urban governance: The development of administrative systems in Trieste and Fiume (Rijeka) during the final decades of the Habsburg Empire (1850–1918)

Hilbert, B. (2024). Exploring new dimensions of urban governance: The development of administrative systems in Trieste and Fiume (Rijeka) during the final decades of the Habsburg Empire (1850–1918). Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 73(4), 437-454. (D1, IF:1,4)

Benczes, R., Benczes, I., Ságvári, B. & Szabó, L. (2024). When life is no longer a journey: the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the metaphorical conceptualization of life among Hungarian adults – a representative survey.

Benczes, R., Benczes, I., Ságvári, B. & Szabó, L. (2024). When life is no longer a journey: the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the metaphorical conceptualization of life among Hungarian adults – a representative survey. Cognitive Linguistics35(1), 143-165. (D1)

Judit Acsády (2024). Construction of the Modern Woman Thinker’s Identity: Valéria Dienes (1879-1987), the Philosopher and Founder of the Art of Movement School and her Contribution to Women’s Emancipation

Judit Acsády (2024). Construction of the Modern Woman Thinker’s Identity: Valéria Dienes (1879-1987), the Philosopher and Founder of the Art of Movement School and her Contribution to Women’s Emancipation. RADOVI ZAVODA ZA HRVATSKU POVIJEST 55 : 1. p199-219.

Szabina Kerényi, Ildikó Zakariás, Melinda Kovai, Cecília Kovai (2024). Is there a place for ‘community’? Transnational governance, post-socialist authoritarianism, and deinstitutionalization in a child protection NGO in Hungary

Szabina Kerényi, Ildikó Zakariás, Melinda Kovai, Cecília Kovai  (2024). Is there a place for ‘community’? Transnational governance, post-socialist authoritarianism, and deinstitutionalization in a child protection NGO in Hungary. International Journal of Sociology, 1–22. (Q1)